Compliant Compost is a practical and simple compost safety and quality assessment scheme for farmers and commercial compost producers.

Food safety programs such as Freshcare, SQF and HARPS all restrict the use of untreated manures on crops. The withholding period between application of untreated manures and harvest ranges from 45 to 365 days, depending on the standard. Risk is highest for produce that is grown in or near the soil and can be eaten uncooked. Longer withholding periods apply for these crops. Compost application is treated in the same way as unprocessed manures unless there is evidence that it has been processed to kill human pathogens.
Compliant Compost is a new, simple code of practice that is independently verified by approved auditors.
The code is focused on demonstrating that the compost will not introduce human pathogens into the environment or onto food. Compost certified using the “Compliant Compost” program can therefore be used on farm without restriction.
Click here to download further information.
Do you need Compliant Compost Certification?

If you are supplying compost to fresh vegetable and salad producers then, yes.
Click here to download the pre-assessment inquiry form. Once filled in, please send to compliantcompost@mraconsulting.com.au
Following submission of the application we will send you an invoice for payment. Once payment is received we will commence arranging the audit.
How does it work?
The process for obtaining Compliant Compost Certification is

Compliant Compost requires that the composting process and products are independently audited to comply with the Compliant Compost Standard.
Audits are conducted on-site. Processing records are inspected to verify that time-temperature requirements have been met, the composting process itself is observed, the layout of the facility is observed and samples of compost are taken for analysis of pathogens.
Combined audits
The Compliant Compost audit may be undertaken in conjunction with a Freshcare or other food safety compliance audit, provided the Auditor and Certification Body is registered with Compliant Compost. Have your auditor contact Compliant Compost on compliantcompost@mraconsulting.com.au to register.
Once the audit has been conducted and any corrective actions have been resolved a Compliant Compost Certificate will be issued.
To maintain your Compliant Compost certification, annual audits are required. Also if you change the composting process in any substantial way such as change the technology used or change the feedstock that is composted, you will need to undertake the audit and certification again.