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NSW grants now open: Recycling Modernisation Fund and Remanufacture NSW

The NSW Government has created a $10 million fund to reduce landfilling of solar panels and battery systems. Phase 1 of the Circular Solar grants program (trial phase) awarded $1.1 million in funding for eligible trial projects.

The NSW DPIE’s Recycling Modernisation Fund (RMF) and Remanufacture NSW is now open for applications.

Grant OrganisationNSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Grant StreamRecycling Modernisation Fund (RMF) and Remanufacture NSW
Closing date5 pm Monday 6 December 2021 (AEST)
Funding available$10,000 up to $1 million, covering up to 50% of the capital costs of the project
Available toBusinesses, Councils & Regional Council Groups, Charities, regional research institutions and Traditional Custodians, and incorporated community groups
LinkRemanufacture NSW | NSW Environment, Energy and Science
       GuidelinesRemanufacture NSW Regional and Remote Recycling Modernisation Fund Guidelines for Applicants
Objective• Provide local solutions to local problems
• Increase local employment
• Provide economic benefit and/or solve transport logistic complexities
Eligibility criteriaDeliver or trial new, or increase existing processing capacity, in a regional or remote location in NSW, to address the processing of:
• unprocessed glass
• mixed or single resin/polymer plastics
• tyres
• paper and cardboard
What will be funded (examples)?• Community sorting stations or baling equipment & installation of new equipment
• Breaking down of e-waste into plastics and glass for recycling
• Advanced recycling of hard to recycle plastics
• Recycling of glass and plastics for use in infrastructure
• Breaking down of all components of waste tyres into new tyres and products, or for further recycling
• Trials
What will not be funded (examples)? • Energy from Waste (EfW) projects
• Projects not located in regional and remote NSW


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