
Waste myth #9: Increasing plastic recycling is the best way to reduce plastic pollution. It isn’t.
4 December 2023

Waste myth #9: Increasing plastic recycling is the best way to reduce plastic pollution. It isn’t.

We keep hearing and reading (what we think are) “waste myths” on-line and in mainstream media. Mike Ritchie has decided to dispel those myths in this "Waste myths" series of articles.

Waste myth #3: Landfill levies don’t work
12 April 2023

Waste myth #3: Landfill levies don’t work

We keep hearing and reading (what we think are) “waste myths” on-line and in on mainstream media. Mike Ritchie has decided to dispel those myths in this "Waste myths" series of articles.

Waste myth #2: REDCycle stockpiling plastic shows that recycling is a rort
13 March 2023

Waste myth #2: REDCycle stockpiling plastic shows that recycling is a rort

We keep hearing and reading (what we think are) “waste myths” on-line and in on mainstream media. Mike Ritchie has decided to dispel those myths in this "Waste myths" series of articles.

The 2021 national plastics plan in a nutshell
Circular Economy
1 July 2022

The 2021 national plastics plan in a nutshell

Australia’s National Plastics Plan 2021 was released a year ago. Sadly, it looks like most of its targets will be missed. Nevertheless, the Plan provides a strong foundation for tackling plastic waste in Australia.

Sydney is drowning in microplastic
14 June 2022

Sydney is drowning in microplastic

By: Mike Ritchie, MRA Consulting Group Lily soon found the Australian Microplastics Assessment Project (AUSMAP), a nationwide citizen science initiative run by Dr Michelle Blewitt from Total Environment Centre along with Dr Scott Wilson from Macquarie University. Their methodologies aligned well. Basically, you lay out a frame and collect a depth of sand from the beach, then spend […]

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