
Waste of origin
3 October 2017

Waste of origin

The Waste Management Association of Australia (WMAA) Waste of Origin pledge is an excellent initiative taken by industry to resolve a problem that others will not. The problem of waste flooding in to Queensland landfills to take advantage of the fact that no landfill levy exists in the state.

Leaders in waste: Matt Genever – The pragmatic idealist
28 September 2017

Leaders in waste: Matt Genever – The pragmatic idealist

Matt has a reputation for making things happen. For being able to make the complex simple. This happens by being able to speak both private sector and government languages. Making sustainability mainstream. Whether that’s partnering with management consultants or using his influence on the school Council to get solar panels on the local primary school.

Revisiting the issue of interstate waste movement
16 August 2017

Revisiting the issue of interstate waste movement

According to an ABC report on the 8th of August, the Queensland Premier was “horrified” to hear of the extent of dumping of waste from NSW in Queensland. The Queensland government was “not aware … until it was highlighted on the Four Corners program…”

Fires and the recycling industry
9 August 2017

Fires and the recycling industry

The waste and recycling industry is, sadly, becoming known for its large blazes. This is not to suggest that Australian recycling facilities are badly run. They are not. It is, however, a sector that is at risk from fires.

Leaders in waste: Gayle Sloan  –  The operationally minded strategist
7 August 2017

Leaders in waste: Gayle Sloan – The operationally minded strategist

When I first came across Gayle, she was totally owning a huge plenary session at the Coffs Harbour conference. She was witty, considered, confident and well across a role that she had only been in for about six months. You’d be hard pressed to guess that Gayle hates public speaking. But she does.

Laying out the FOGO benefits and challenges
27 July 2017

Laying out the FOGO benefits and challenges

Australia has a significant and growing challenge in how it manages its waste. Tonnages continue to grow by a compound annual growth rate of 6.2%, six times faster than population growth, and 2.5 times faster than GDP growth. Landfill costs are increasing due to landfill levies and landfill scarcity.

Interstate waste to Queensland up 40% in one year
22 May 2017

Interstate waste to Queensland up 40% in one year

Queensland recently released its 2016 Waste and Recycling Report. The report refers to a number of incremental gains in landfill diversion, but the headline number is the 40% leap in the tonnes of waste received at Queensland landfills from interstate.

The state of the waste data
29 March 2017

The state of the waste data

By Mike Ritchie, MRA Consulting Group The Australian State of the Environment (SoE) 2016 Overview was tabled in Parliament on 7 March 2017. The previous SoE was in 2011. The SoE concludes that: “Despite an overall increase in waste generation, Australia’s total disposal tonnage decreased from about 21.5 megatonnes to about 19.5 megatonnes (about 9.5 […]

Australia’s EPR legislation
22 March 2017

Australia’s EPR legislation

By Mike Ritchie, MRA Consulting Group Product Stewardship (PS) schemes are one of several ways to drive waste out of landfill and back into the productive economy. They “encourage” industry to fund the collection and recycling of their goods once they reach the end of their productive life. Products which lend themselves to PS systems […]

Let’s fix plastic bags so we can start to fix organics
27 February 2017

Let’s fix plastic bags so we can start to fix organics

By Mike Ritchie, MRA Consulting Group Australians use an estimated 5 billion single use plastic bags (supb’s) per year. Sounds like a lot but this represents only about 20,000 tonnes of plastic or 0.04% of the waste generated in Australia per year. If all of these plastic bags go to landfill they represent just 0.1% […]

Microbeads: we need a national ban
17 November 2015

Microbeads: we need a national ban

Plastic, in all its forms, can be a pain in the neck for waste managers. It is light, voluminous and not worth very much. But, small bits of plastic like microbeads found in common cosmetics such as face washes, exfoliants and toothpastes, have been really wreaking havoc on waterways and soil systems across the world. […]

MRA clients successful at second ERF auction
13 November 2015

MRA clients successful at second ERF auction

The Clean Energy Regulator has today announced the results of the second Emissions Reduction Fund auction held on 4 and 5 November 2015. These contracts secure the delivery of 45.5 million tonnes of abatement at an average price per tonne of abatement of $12.25. The second Emissions Reduction Fund auction saw 129 carbon abatement contracts […]

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