Green Industries SA – Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program

Green Industries South Australia announces up to $500,000 funding opportunity
Applications close 8 November 2019 at 5:00 pm
Green Industries SA has announced that it will provide funding to recycling facilities to install infrastructure and provide innovative approaches to increase the recovery of resources and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill each year.
Grants from $50,000 and up to $250,000 are now available to help fund eligible projects that fall within the scope of the grant include:
- Installation of equipment/technology that achieve improved recovery of resources and diversion of waste from landfill.
- Establishment and/or upgrades of waste transfer facilities to improve resource recovery.
- Balers and other compacting equipment for the processing of recyclables to improve transport and/or operational efficiency.
In addition, up to $500,000 will be available for large-scale projects of state significance and involving considerable capital expenditure. Applications are also invited for projects which benefit the local economy and/or three or more council areas.
All applicants must contribute at least 50% of funding, while councils seeking more than $250,000 are also to demonstrate a financial commitment by at least three councils.
This is an excellent opportunity for a variety of organisations who wish to secure their position in the recycling market especially in the wake of the China Green Sword Policy and Australia’s current recycling crisis.
Details of the grant funding are summarised below and at the Green Industries SA website:
Eligible applicants | Project requirements | Funding per applicant |
Industry, metropolitan and regional local government | This grant assists projects that are seeking to install infrastructure and provide innovative approaches to increase the recovery of resources and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill each year. Eligible projects include: • Target fibre (paper, cardboard, newspaper etc), and/or plastics and/or glass recyclables or organics from municipal (wheelie bin-based) kerbside or commercial and industrial sources. • Improve source separation and processing performance through investment and subsequent installation of equipment and technology measures that reduce contamination and improve the quality and volume of kerbside and/or commercial and industrial recyclable materials, particularly fibre, plastics and glass. • Can demonstrate through market analysis that the recycled material will enter a beneficial remanufacture, secondary processing, or recycling market for local use (preferred) or that can be exported at a higher value. • Projects with the objective of improving the recycling of materials banned from landfill under the Environment Protection (Waste to Resources) Policy 2010 • Target commercial and industrial or municipal solid waste streams. | • Applications for Recycling Infrastructure Grants from $50,000 to a maximum of $250,000 (excluding GST) per project are invited. • Up to $500,000 will be available for large-scale projects involving significant capital expenditure and of state significance. Applications are also invited for projects which benefit the local economy and/or three or more council areas. Councils seeking more than $250,000 are to demonstrate a financial commitment by at least three councils as evidenced through a signing of a Memorandum of Understanding |
MRA has submitted more than 200 grant applications to date, winning more than $60m in funding for our clients.
We can provide a one-stop shop to maximise your chances of success and can assist by:
- Preparing grant proposals on your behalf;
- Reviewing grant proposals;
- Sourcing equipment providers;
- Providing costings on infrastructure;
- Preparing the business case; and
- All of the necessary financial feasibility analysis requirements.
If your organisation is interested in any of the above grant programs, please contact Emma Yuen on or on 0416 474 642 or or on (02) 8541 6169.