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Remanufacture NSW

The Australian and NSW governments have developed Remanufacture NSW to support organisations to respond to the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) ban on the export of glass, plastic, tyres and paper/cardboard wastes and to enable a transition to a circular economy for waste export ban materials.

Remanufacture NSW is jointly funded by the Australian Government’s Recycling Modernisation Fund and NSW Government’s Waste Less, Recycle More initiative. A total of $35 million is available under two streams of Remanufacture NSW – Infrastructure and Trials.

  • Applications close 3pm Friday 26 March 2021
  • Projects must be completed by 30 June 2024.

Stream 1 – Infrastructure

Eligible applicantsProject RequirementsFunding per Applicant
Councils, industry, business, state government entities, NFP organisations.
Applicants must hold an Australian Business Number (ABN) 
Infrastructure projects that address export ban materials by:
– Increasing the capability or capacity to recover and reprocess;
– Improving the quality, quantity and recyclability/reusability of materials;
– Improving access of materials to end markets;
-Increasing the supply and use of recycled content in projects or products; and/or
– Upgrading equipment and processes to improve the recyclability of products.
– $100,000 to $5 million
– Up to 50% of eligible project costs

What will be funded?
– Purchase & installation of equipment, construction of facilities, sheds, buildings, civil works, mobile processing equipment.

What will not be funded?
– Works already completed, acquisition of land, planning approvals, weighbridges, ongoing operational costs, mobile plant, site fencing, signage, energy from waste projects.

Stream 2 – Trials

Eligible applicantsProject RequirementsFunding per Applicant
Councils, industry, business, state government entities, NFP organisations and Australian research institutions.

Applicants must hold an Australian Business Number (ABN)
Projects are to:
– Test technologies and methodologies for sorting, processing, recycling and remanufacturing COAG waste export ban materials
– Deliver a project plan and budget for roll-out or scaling-up of the trial.

The trial should test technologies or methodologies that can be scaled-up to full implementation/rolled out more broadly.
– $50,000 to $1 million
– Up to 50% of eligible project costs

What will be funded?
– Purchase or lease of equipment, modifications to existing equipment, sampling and testing costs, controls panels and software, hire of mobile plant, mobile processing equipment, site energy upgrades, supply chain facilitation, consultant time/expert advice.

What will not be funded?
– Works already completed, planning approvals, acquisition or leasing of land, signage, promotional activities.

MRA has submitted more than 200 grant applications to date, winning more than $60m in funding for our clients.

We can provide a one-stop shop to maximise your chances of success and can assist by: 

  • Preparing grant proposals on your behalf;
  • Reviewing grant proposals; 
  • Source equipment providers;
  • Provide costings on infrastructure;
  • Prepare the business case; and 
  • All of the necessary financial feasibility analysis requirements.

If your organisation is interested in any of the above grant programs, please contact Emma Yuen on or on 0416 474 642 or or on (02) 8541 6169.


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