
Circular Economy

In a circular future, we maximize the use of materials already in the economy and reduce reliance on virgin materials. We do this by designing for longevity, making smart material choices, emphasising repair, reuse and refilling opportunities and establishing efficient recycling systems with robust end markets.

Recycling is part of a circular economy, but a circular economy is much more than recycling.

Our expertise includes –

  • Extended Producer responsibility;
  • Designing out materials upstream;
  • Circular economy roadmaps; 
  • Regional Material flows and CE optimisation; 
  • Measuring and Modelling CE interventions;
  • CE feasibility studies
  • Cost-benefit analysis of CE interventions 
  • Building a social license through community engagement
  • CE workshops and stakeholder engagement for co-design 
  • Circular Material Strategy Development 
  • Lease-back models – case study analysis
  • Behaviour change science
  • Policy and Legislation Gap / Discourse analysis
  • Lifecycle analysis 

Strategies for circular opportunities

We strive to quantify circular opportunities’ economic, environmental, and social outcomes to help our clients secure the highest value, GHG emissions, water, and energy savings while building a strong and interconnected circular business and region. Previous projects include:

  • Agriculture– includes urban farming, emissions reduction for ruminant farming and regenerative food systems
  • Energy – transport, wind and solar farms/microgrids, hydropower and other renewable technologies (including end-of-life recycling for critical materials)
  • Packaging – aligning with sustainable packaging guidelines and strategy development, reusable and refillable packaging strategies, pilot projects and policy advocacy
  • Business and Innovation Development through bespoke material flows and upstream circular economy intervention identification and feasibility assessments 
  • Regional circular economy strategies through material flow assessment and industry mapping to identify short, medium and long-term CE strategies

Design out waste

  • Sustainable packaging
  • Clear labelling to inform consumers of the reusability and repairability of the material/product
  • B2B and B2C take-back-schemes that keep materials in-use for longer
  • Reuse and repair opportunities – for glass, organics, plastics, metals, textiles, construction/demolition waste, and mining waste.

Policy and Legislation, Advocacy and Analysis

  • Identifying reuse and repair policy gaps in Australia.
  • Developing recommendations for Local Government to advocate for potential reuse and repair policy.
  • Working with State Government to shape CE policy targets – upstream and downstream.
  • Working with Federal Government to improve Extended Producer Responsibility governance frameworks.

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Nabers Accredited Assessor
Local Government Procurement Approved Contractor