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WMAA on carbon policy

The Waste Management Association of Australia (WMAA) has released a brief document on the intricacies of the carbon policy and how it might affect the sector.

Produced by Norton Rose Fulbright, MRA Consulting Group, Transpacific Industries Group and Cleanaway and Blue Environment, the fact sheet focuses on current issues amid the policy turbulence and uncertainties around the carbon tax repeal.

However, the authors noted that given the issues are fluid, this document “should not be taken as the final word on any aspect of carbon policy.”

The document, available here focuses on:

  • The continuation of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme (NGERS) and its role in the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF);
  • The end of the Carbon Pricing Mechanism and the implications for councils as well as liabilities and carbon cost impacts on landfills;
  • The transition of the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) to the broader-based ERF and what would happen to existing CFI projects;
  • Key aspects of the ERF and methodologies for the waste sector; and
  • The fate of the Renewable Energy Target.

in Carbon


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