Alternative Waste Technology transition package

$24 million in funding has been released to support NSW local councils and the Alternative Waste Treatment (AWT) industry to transition away from MWOO following the 2018 EPA revocation of the order and exemption allowing MWOO application to land.
Funding is allocated to four grant programs (outlined below):
- $12.5 million Organics Collections grants
- $5 million Local Council Transition grants
- $6.26 million Research and Development grants consisting of
- $2.51 million for Alternative Uses for General Waste
- $3.75 million for Organics Infrastructure grants
NSW EPA Organics Collection Grants
The NSW EPA has released its seventh round of Organics Collection grants under the NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM).
These grants provide an opportunity to NSW local councils to deliver new or enhanced household kerbside collection services for food and garden organics. The business stream provides an opportunity for food waste collection services in commercial premises. The new grant funding is summarised below:
Eligible Applicants | Project Requirements: | Funding Per Applicant | Closing Date |
All NSW Councils and Regional waste groups | – New garden organics, new food organics service or combined food and garden organics services; or – Enhanced organics services; and – Waste must be processed at a licensed facility. | $1.3 million to fund up to 100% of project costs (restrictions apply to some items). | 3pm Thursday 23rd July 2020 |
What will be funded in the Local Government Stream (funding limits apply to some activities):
- Audits/contamination studies related to organics services
- Education projects related to organics services
- Infrastructure (bins, kitchen caddies) related to organics services
- Trial and implementation of organics collection services in MUDs
- Pre-processing equipment related to organics services in MUDs
- Monitoring and contamination reduction activities for MUDs
- Collection and processing costs for MUD trials in the Metropolitan Levy Area
Phase 2 Alternative Waste Technology transition package
Local Council Transition Fund
Eligible applicants | Project Requirements | Funding Per Applicant | Key Dates |
29 Local councils 6 Regional groups of councils | Grant provides targeted support for: – Strategic planning and options assessment – Increasing the recovery of organics: * transitioning to new organics collection services, or * improving recovery of organics in existing services. | $180,000 available per eligible applicant ($5 million total funding available) Pooled funding for joint projects between eligible applicants is permitted. What will be funded? – Strategic planning, options assessment, business case development, waste composition assessment, service performance assessment, social research, community engagement – Tendering and new service rollout – Projects to increase participation, reduce contamination, education – Staff salaries. What will not be funded? – Legal advice -Retrospective work -Duplicate work funded through other sources. | Applications close 4pm Tuesday 11 August 2020 |
Phase 2 Alternative Waste Technology transition package
AWT Research and Development Grant – Alternative Uses for General Waste

- $2.51 million total funding available
- Only AWT owners/operators eligible to apply
- To investigate or develop new or improved materials, products and processes, and alternative end markets for MWOO or general waste.
- Multiple applications can be submitted
Eligible applicants | Project Requirements | Funding Per Applicant | Key Dates |
AWT owners and/or operators of the five eligible AWT facilities | Projects are to investigate or develop new or improved materials, products and processes, and alternative end markets for MWOO or general waste. Priority given to projects that – Support or investigate long-term changes; – Align with NSW Government policy (including NSW Circular Economy Policy Statement, Net Zero Plan); – Seek to achieve highest waste hierarchy outcome. | $25,000 – $500,000 available per project, up to 50% of total project value. ($2.51 million total funding available). Applicants may submit multiple applications. Pooled funding for joint projects between eligible applicants is permitted. What will be funded? – Research (systematic data and information gathering) – Investigations into potential alternative end products or end markets for GW – Equipment/ infrastructure to support the research or proposed technology or process change – Product testing – Odour modelling, emission testing – Consultant reports and fees -Concept development and feasibility studies -Salaries of staff specifically employed to work on the project. What will not be funded? – Privately owned research facilities without NATA accreditation – Advertising and education – Land acquisition – Duplicate work funded through other WLRM programs – Work already undertaken. | Applications close 4pm Monday 29 June 2020 Successful grants announced September 2020 |
Organics Infrastructure
- Additional $3.75 million
- Scheduled to open this month
- Details not yet available
If you are interested in any of these grants, please contact Emma Yuen on or on 0416 474 642 to discuss how MRA can assist you with your application.
MRA has submitted more than 200 grant applications to date, winning more than $60m in funding for our clients.
We can provide a one-stop shop to maximise your chances of success and can assist by:
- Preparing grant proposals on your behalf;
- Reviewing grant proposals;
- Source equipment providers;
- Provide costings on infrastructure;
- Prepare the business case; and
- All of the necessary financial feasibility analysis requirements.