
Super-spreader landfills causing climate change
5 October 2021

Super-spreader landfills causing climate change

For more than ten years, MRA has been arguing for an “Organics Revolution” in Australia to remove organics from landfill.

Organic waste should not get preference in landfills
Circular Economy
30 June 2021

Organic waste should not get preference in landfills

A response to Sam Bateman’s “Is landfill part of the circular economy?”

MRA welcomes Tas waste levy
10 February 2021

MRA welcomes Tas waste levy

MRA welcomes the announcement by the Tasmanian Government on the introduction of a waste levy in Tasmania.

Creating economic wealth from emissions reduction – a case study of recycling
26 May 2020

Creating economic wealth from emissions reduction – a case study of recycling

The waste and recycling industry contributes close to 3% of Australia’s direct emissions. However, recycling abates much more by capturing the embodied energy of the recovered materials. We can create a more sustainable Australia by reducing emissions, increasing recycling and growing new green jobs.

Let’s fix coffee cups so we can start to focus on food waste
22 November 2019

Let’s fix coffee cups so we can start to focus on food waste

One billion single use coffee cups are sent to landfill every year. Sounds like a lot but this represents less than 0.0004% of the waste generated in Australia per year. So, what can we do to deal with coffee cups so that we can focus on significant streams like organics (particularly food), which represent around 50% of all waste to landfill in Australia?

Australian Waste Levies – something needs to be done
22 August 2019

Australian Waste Levies – something needs to be done

Australian landfill levies are on the move, with significant changes in Queensland and South Australia. The trouble with waste disposal, however, is that it tends to flow to the point of cheapest disposal. Just like water, waste flows downhill to the lowest point.

Queensland 2018/19 Local Government Levy Ready Grants Program now open
9 September 2018

Queensland 2018/19 Local Government Levy Ready Grants Program now open

By MRA Consulting Group The Queensland government has just opened the one-off $5m 2018/19 Local Government Levy Ready Grants Program. The grant program is being administered by the department of Local Government, Racing and Multicultural Affairs on behalf of the Department of Environment and Science and aims to assist Queensland councils in setting up the […]

Mike Ritchie: Waste is like a river, it flows downhill to the cheapest price.
In the Media
8 June 2017

Mike Ritchie: Waste is like a river, it flows downhill to the cheapest price.

Mike Ritchie talked to ABC’s Sarina Locke about the effect of QLD waste levy cancellation on NSW waste. The full article titled “Sydney Markets sends rotting fruit and vegetables to generate electricity in war on waste” is available on the ABC website and below. Sydney Markets declared its own war on waste 12 years ago […]

What is air worth? How to price a landfill
4 June 2015

What is air worth? How to price a landfill

By Mike Ritchie Landfill gate fees typically cover costs of operation, overheads, mobile plant and equipment, labour, depreciation costs of roads and buildings and other fixed assets and profit. But the costs (and therefore the gate fee), also need to include 30-50 year post closure management, long term monitoring and reporting, and importantly replacement of […]

A Case of Right Analysis, Wrong Solution
18 December 2012

A Case of Right Analysis, Wrong Solution

I have serious doubts about the claims the NSW Government is losing $100 million in landfill levy money at present and that this could grow to $200 million quickly. The solution is the reintroduction of a Queensland levy. At a NSW landfill levy of $95.20/t for the NSW Government to be losing $100 million – […]

What is True Cost of Carbon from Landfills?
19 January 2012

What is True Cost of Carbon from Landfills?

Having read Mike Ritchie’s blog ‘Carbon Price: how not to overcharge or be overcharged‘ – I write to put the record straight regarding the likely price impacts from the Clean Energy Bill. Yes, there are three variables that influence the direct carbon price increase at landfills: 1) The waste emission liability 2) The price of carbon […]

Infrastructure Critical for Future Waste Management
13 May 2009

Infrastructure Critical for Future Waste Management

By Angela Dorizas – The waste management industry has called for government intervention and investment in alternative waste technologies to prevent carbon pricing from crippling local communities. Speaking at the New South Wales Sustainable Development Conference in Sydney, state president of the Waste Management Association of Australia, Mike Ritchie, warned that without government intervention the increasing volume of […]

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