NSW Flood Recovery Program for Land-based Clean-up Program
MRA News
19 April 2024

NSW Flood Recovery Program for Land-based Clean-up Program

In response to previous years' severe flooding events, the NSW EPA executed a Land-based Clean-up Program (the Program), engaging MRA as a specialist flood debris clean- up consultants to assess flood-impacted sites, engage with Program applicants and other stakeholders and coordinate debris removal.

MRA awarded Bin Trim Networks Program grant
Bin Trim
13 October 2023

MRA awarded Bin Trim Networks Program grant

If you work at a shopping centre that is looking to reduce food and packaging waste, reach out to our Circular Economy team.

Can NSW achieve the national waste targets?
3 July 2023

Can NSW achieve the national waste targets?

NSW is heading away from a circular economy. The latest National Waste Report data shows that not only is NSW total waste generation growing but our waste to landfill is also growing.

Sydney facing looming waste crisis
15 June 2022

Sydney facing looming waste crisis

Sydney has three options to avoid a looming waste crisis ā€“ boost recycling by increasing the waste levy to $200, build new landfills, or allow more energy recovery projects, says Mike Ritchie of MRA Consulting Group.

Sydney is drowning in microplastic
14 June 2022

Sydney is drowning in microplastic

By: Mike Ritchie, MRA Consulting Group Lily soon found the Australian Microplastics Assessment Project (AUSMAP), a nationwide citizen science initiative run by Dr Michelle Blewitt from Total Environment Centre along with Dr Scott Wilson from Macquarie University. Their methodologies aligned well. Basically, you lay out a frame and collect a depth of sand from the beach, then spend […]

NSW Government endorses ā€˜Organics Revolutionā€™
Circular Economy
16 June 2021

NSW Government endorses ā€˜Organics Revolutionā€™

The NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041: (Stage 1 ā€“ 2021-2027) has endorsed diversion of organic waste from landfill to deliver substantive reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from NSW landfills.

Grant opportunities: recycling research and recycling of solar panels
28 August 2020

Grant opportunities: recycling research and recycling of solar panels

Two grants have recently opened. The first is available Australia-wide and is for industry-led research addressing gaps in Australiaā€™s waste and recycling capability. The second is just for NSW and is focussed on trials for solar panel equipment recycling. Contact MRA to find out how these grants can work for you and benefit your local area and Australia.

NSW Fast Track Planning Approvals
1 May 2020

NSW Fast Track Planning Approvals

Getting a planning approval for a waste facility is a long and excruciating process, especially in NSW. Now, the NSW Government is trying to combat the economic downturn brought about by COVID-19 by cutting down red-tape to speed up the planning process and stimulate the construction industry.

2 years to get an approval ā€“ tell him heā€™s dreaming!
16 April 2020

2 years to get an approval ā€“ tell him heā€™s dreaming!

Everyone working in waste and recycling knows that getting a planning approval for a waste facility is a long and excruciating process, especially in NSW. Mike Ritchie looks at why this is the case and puts forward 3 ideas for NSW to get its mojo back.

Update to NSW Waste Facilitiesā€™ Financial Assurance Requirements
8 April 2020

Update to NSW Waste Facilitiesā€™ Financial Assurance Requirements

The NSW EPA has developed a draft financial assurance policy and guideline to ensure that those responsible for pollution or contamination pay the costs of clean-up or remediation. MRA's submission on the Draft Policy and Draft Guideline is outlined in this post.

NSW Bin Trim Round 4 open for applications
Bin Trim
20 January 2020

NSW Bin Trim Round 4 open for applications

The NSW Government has released its fourth round of the Bin Trim program under the NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM). The Bin Trim program provides funding to organisations to deliver waste assessments, support and advice to NSW businesses to help the businesses reduce their waste and increase recycling.

MRA helps clients win over $11m in grants in NSW in 2019
20 December 2019

MRA helps clients win over $11m in grants in NSW in 2019

The recently awarded WLRM grants wrap up a spectacular year for MRA's grants team. Over the four funding streams MRA helped our clients win over $11 million in grants for FOGO and infrastructure projects.

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