
Revisiting the issue of interstate waste movement
16 August 2017

Revisiting the issue of interstate waste movement

According to an ABC report on the 8th of August, the Queensland Premier was “horrified” to hear of the extent of dumping of waste from NSW in Queensland. The Queensland government was “not aware … until it was highlighted on the Four Corners program…”

Footprint interviews Mike Ritchie on waste bureaucrat’s scapegoating
In the Media
15 August 2017

Footprint interviews Mike Ritchie on waste bureaucrat’s scapegoating

A Four Corners waste industry exposé highlighted legitimate and serious problems, but was grossly unfair to NSW senior bureaucrat Steve Beaman, according to a leading environmental consultant.

Mike Ritchie: Waste is like a river, it flows downhill to the cheapest price.
In the Media
8 June 2017

Mike Ritchie: Waste is like a river, it flows downhill to the cheapest price.

Mike Ritchie talked to ABC’s Sarina Locke about the effect of QLD waste levy cancellation on NSW waste. The full article titled “Sydney Markets sends rotting fruit and vegetables to generate electricity in war on waste” is available on the ABC website and below. Sydney Markets declared its own war on waste 12 years ago […]

Interstate waste to Queensland up 40% in one year
22 May 2017

Interstate waste to Queensland up 40% in one year

Queensland recently released its 2016 Waste and Recycling Report. The report refers to a number of incremental gains in landfill diversion, but the headline number is the 40% leap in the tonnes of waste received at Queensland landfills from interstate.

The state of the waste data
29 March 2017

The state of the waste data

By Mike Ritchie, MRA Consulting Group The Australian State of the Environment (SoE) 2016 Overview was tabled in Parliament on 7 March 2017. The previous SoE was in 2011. The SoE concludes that: “Despite an overall increase in waste generation, Australia’s total disposal tonnage decreased from about 21.5 megatonnes to about 19.5 megatonnes (about 9.5 […]

Australia’s EPR legislation
22 March 2017

Australia’s EPR legislation

By Mike Ritchie, MRA Consulting Group Product Stewardship (PS) schemes are one of several ways to drive waste out of landfill and back into the productive economy. They “encourage” industry to fund the collection and recycling of their goods once they reach the end of their productive life. Products which lend themselves to PS systems […]

Let’s fix plastic bags so we can start to fix organics
27 February 2017

Let’s fix plastic bags so we can start to fix organics

By Mike Ritchie, MRA Consulting Group Australians use an estimated 5 billion single use plastic bags (supb’s) per year. Sounds like a lot but this represents only about 20,000 tonnes of plastic or 0.04% of the waste generated in Australia per year. If all of these plastic bags go to landfill they represent just 0.1% […]

Victorian approach to waste planning worthy of polite plagiarism
5 August 2016

Victorian approach to waste planning worthy of polite plagiarism

By Mike Ritchie – Managing Director, MRA Consulting Group Since the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Waste and Resource Recovery Governance Reform in Victoria in 2013, Victoria has pushed ahead rapidly with a strategic infrastructure approach to waste infrastructure reform. The Ministerial Advisory Committee report identified the need for much more coordinated approaches to the planning […]

UN Sustainable Development Goal 12 – aspirational or achievable?
2 May 2016

UN Sustainable Development Goal 12 – aspirational or achievable?

By Mike Ritchie – Director, MRA Consulting Group In September 2015 in New York, the 193 members of the United Nations (UN) member states agreed to the goals and objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda). The agreement outlines 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) across a range of significant global initiatives that […]

MRA drives national debate on microbeads
31 March 2016

MRA drives national debate on microbeads

Over the last few months the national debate around a ban on microbeads has picked up. Last November, MRA argued the need for a national ban on microbeads. We said they were pernicious and a pollutant that should never have been permitted in the first place. It is nice to know US President Obama reads […]

Bags not! Finding the solution for Australia’s plastic bags
29 March 2016

Bags not! Finding the solution for Australia’s plastic bags

The recent Ministerial Roundtable on plastics could not agree whether to ban, price or leave Single Use Plastic Bags (SUPBs) for another day. We use approximately 6 billion SUPBs each year, of which 2 percent are recycled[i]. SUPBs are being, or have been, banned in South Australia, Tasmania, the ACT, the Northern Territory and in […]

2016 Insights
15 March 2016

2016 Insights

Published by Sustainability Matters What do you see as the single biggest challenge facing your industry in the year ahead, and why? The biggest challenge for recyclers is the mixed government market price signals around recycling, waste management and carbon. Some States are pushing ahead with strategic approaches to waste management by setting targets, establishing […]

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