NSW Bin Trim Round 4 open for applications
The NSW Government has released its fourth round of the Bin Trim program under the NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM).
The Bin Trim program provides funding to organisations to deliver waste assessments, support and advice to NSW businesses to help the businesses reduce their waste and increase recycling.
Applications close Friday 28 February 2020.
The $4.9m Bin Trim program funding for Round 4 is summarised below:
Eligible applicants | Project requirements | Funding per applicant |
NSW Councils, Regional Organisation of Councils, local government-controlled organisations, companies, partnerships, non-government organisations, not-for-profit organisations | Projects must provide eligible NSW businesses with: – A customised waste assessment; – A tailored action plan with recommendations; – Action plan implementation support and assistance; and – Follow-up waste assessments. | Between $50,000 and $300,000 |
What will be funded:
- Recruitment of eligible NSW businesses;
- Conducting waste assessments;
- Development and provision of customised action plans for the businesses to reduce waste and increase recycling;
- Assisting and facilitating businesses implementing their action plans;
- Conducting follow-up assessments; and
- Administration and reporting to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.
MRA has completed projects in all previous rounds of Bin Trim, having been awarded the maximum funding in all three rounds and having helped businesses save thousands of dollars. MRA also partnered with other grantees in previous rounds to deliver their Bin Trim project and has been the largest provider over the program.
We can provide a one-stop shop to maximise your chances of success and can assist by:
- Preparing the Bin Trim application on your behalf;
- Reviewing application documents;
- Sourcing relevant providers;
- Providing costings;
- Preparing the business case; and
- Carrying out financial feasibility analysis.
If your Council or business is interested in applying for the Bin Trim program, please contact us at claire@mraconsulting.com.au or 0403 886 284 or on (02) 8541 6169.