NSW EPA Organics Collection Grants

The NSW EPA has released its seventh round of Organics Collection grants under the NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM).
These grants provide an opportunity to NSW local councils to deliver new or enhanced household kerbside collection services for food and garden organics. The business stream provides an opportunity for food waste collection services in commercial premises.
Submissions close on Thursday 27th June 2019, while the table below outlines key funding requirements:
Grant | Eligible Applicants | Project Requirements: | Funding Per Applicant |
Local Government Household Stream | All NSW Councils Regional waste groups | New garden organics, new food organics serviceĀ or combined food and garden organics services; or Enhanced organics services; and Waste must be processed at a licensed facility. | $1.3 million to fund up to 100% of project costs (restrictions apply to some items). |
Business Stream | Waste and recycling collection providers Large food waste generating businesses Commercial property managers | Council expanding a residential service to incorporate commercial collection service Contractor expand current business offering to include or expand food waste collection service Business introduce a food waste collection service via a contractor | $10,000 – $500,000 |
Joint applications | Councils and waste contractors Regional Council groups Waste contractors and commercial property owners or managers |
What will be funded
- Audits/contamination studies related to organics services
- Education projects related to organics services
- Infrastructure (bins, kitchen caddies) related to organics services
- Trial and implementation of organics collection services in MUDs
- Pre-processing equipment related to organics services in MUDs
- Monitoring and contamination reduction activities for MUDs
- Collection and processing costs for MUD trials in the Metropolitan Levy Area
- (Local Government Stream: funding limits apply to some activities)
Business Stream:
- Expert advice to assist expansion of councilās household collection contracts to include collection of organics from businesses.
- Accurate weighing devices on collections trucks
- Up to 10 per cent of the cost of collection trucks for transport of source separated organics (short-term contract two years)
- Up to 50 per cent of the cost of infrastructure such as bins, trucks, lifters and on-site systems for collection and transport for long term contracts (minimum 5 years)
- Detailed project planning and/or collection system design for expanded collection system.
- Redesign and/or configuration of waste management areas in large developments to facilitate centralised food waste collection for recycling.
- Equipment to facilitate centralised collection of food organics recycling in large developments e.g. bin trailer and towing device.
MRA has submitted more than 200 WLRM grant applications to date, winning more than $60m in funding for our clients. In previous rounds of Organics Market Development grants MRA delivered 8 projects in partnership with clients with a value totalling over $850,000.
If your Council or business is interested in any of the above grant programs, please contact us at virginia@mraconsulting.com.au or 0438 496 834 or on (02) 8541 6169. MRA can provide a one-stop shop to maximise your chances of success.