Residual remedy
13 September 2023

Residual remedy

There's no such thing as a zero-waste society. There will always be residuals that can't be reused, recycled, or recovered. So, what do we do with them?

What should we do with plastics?
5 April 2022

What should we do with plastics?

Australia generates 2.4 million tonnes of plastic every year. It comes in all shapes and polymers. Car parts, sofas, drink containers, medical equipment, pallet wrap and single use packaging. You name a product in the economy and sure enough it will have plastic in it or in its supply chain.

Mike Ritchie speaks to Kevin Warner about waste and EfW in Australia
6 October 2020

Mike Ritchie speaks to Kevin Warner about waste and EfW in Australia

MRA’s Mike Ritchie was interviewed by Kevin Warner on waste in Australia, the current landscape for energy from waste and what the road ahead looks like.

Gasification: Are smaller distributed WtE systems the solution for municipal solid waste in urban Australia?
21 February 2020

Gasification: Are smaller distributed WtE systems the solution for municipal solid waste in urban Australia?

Could smaller scale be a viable and preferred alternative for metropolitan Australia instead of larger scale incinerators and challenge the misconception of WtE facilities being “big hungry beasts”?

Protecting recycling – how should we prioritise action in the face of National Sword?
29 March 2018

Protecting recycling – how should we prioritise action in the face of National Sword?

The introduction of National Sword restrictions on the import of recyclables to China has permitted some commentators to call for recyclables to be used in Energy from Waste (EfW) facilities. Several have proposed EfW as a solution for plastic, paper and cardboard. While EfW is higher up the waste hierarchy and beneficial over landfill (it recovers the full energy value), I caution against this line of argument.

The State of Energy from Waste
17 October 2017

The State of Energy from Waste

When developed alongside strong recycling and organics processing systems, Energy from Waste (EfW) will help lift domestic and commercial diversion rates from 60% to 80-90%. It is an important element in a waste management system.

Energy from Waste in Australia – is there a future?
10 October 2016

Energy from Waste in Australia – is there a future?

MRA’s Mike Ritchie delivered his view on the future of Energy from Waste (EfW) in Australia at the fourth Waste Expo conference last Wednesday. “Australia’s efforts related to Energy from Waste (EfW) are considerably less advanced when compared to some developed countries. The reasons for this are to be found in a complex combination of […]

State of Waste 2016 – current and future Australian trends
20 April 2016

State of Waste 2016 – current and future Australian trends

By Mike Ritchie – Director, MRA Consulting Group On 16 February 2016, the Australian population reached 24 million people. Waste generation rates are a function of population growth, the level of urbanisation and per capita income[i] and Australians now produce about 50 million tonnes of waste each year, averaging over 2 tonnes per person. There […]

Energy from Waste in Australia – is there a future?
12 April 2016

Energy from Waste in Australia – is there a future?

By Ron Wainberg – Technical Director, MRA Consulting Group Energy from Waste (EfW) is very well established overseas, but in Australia it has yet to get off the ground. The reasons for this are to be found in a complex combination of different historical factors: adequate landfill capacity, poor financial incentives, unfavourable public perceptions and lack […]

2016 Insights
15 March 2016

2016 Insights

Published by Sustainability Matters What do you see as the single biggest challenge facing your industry in the year ahead, and why? The biggest challenge for recyclers is the mixed government market price signals around recycling, waste management and carbon. Some States are pushing ahead with strategic approaches to waste management by setting targets, establishing […]

Lessons from the first ERF carbon auction
27 April 2015

Lessons from the first ERF carbon auction

Published by ResourceRecovery.biz The winners during the first Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) auction have been announced. Congratulations to those who succeeded in securing a Carbon Abatement Contract with the Federal Government and commiserations to those who missed out. But don’t despair: there are many more auctions to come. Under the ERF, the Federal Government is […]

Energy from Waste (EfW) can deliver 9% abatement of Australia’s emissions
24 March 2015

Energy from Waste (EfW) can deliver 9% abatement of Australia’s emissions

There has been much said recently about the need to use nuclear energy as a bridging technology while renewable technologies and battery systems in particular, are improved. It seems to me that waste and recycling have again been overlooked as serious contributors to Australia’s emission abatement task. In 2006 Warnken ISE and SITA Australia published […]

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