Plastic Bags

Let’s fix plastic bags so we can start to fix organics
27 February 2017

Let’s fix plastic bags so we can start to fix organics

By Mike Ritchie, MRA Consulting Group Australians use an estimated 5 billion single use plastic bags (supb’s) per year. Sounds like a lot but this represents only about 20,000 tonnes of plastic or 0.04% of the waste generated in Australia per year. If all of these plastic bags go to landfill they represent just 0.1% […]

Bags not! Finding the solution for Australia’s plastic bags
29 March 2016

Bags not! Finding the solution for Australia’s plastic bags

The recent Ministerial Roundtable on plastics could not agree whether to ban, price or leave Single Use Plastic Bags (SUPBs) for another day. We use approximately 6 billion SUPBs each year, of which 2 percent are recycled[i]. SUPBs are being, or have been, banned in South Australia, Tasmania, the ACT, the Northern Territory and in […]

Banning plastic bags – the tip of the iceberg
6 February 2015

Banning plastic bags – the tip of the iceberg

If you stash a handful of plastic bags in the cupboard after your weekly supermarket shop, then this article is for you. The NSW Greens have announced an election pledge to ban the single use plastic shopping bag. Many other States and Territories have already gone down that path via bans or 10 cent fees. […]

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