
MRA awarded Bin Trim Networks Program grant
Bin Trim
13 October 2023

MRA awarded Bin Trim Networks Program grant

If you work at a shopping centre that is looking to reduce food and packaging waste, reach out to our Circular Economy team.

Pacific dealing with waste
MRA Projects
25 September 2023

Pacific dealing with waste

In the pacific, SPREP is leaving no stone unturned. Organics recovery, diversion from landfill, EfW, EOL tyres, EPR, legislative reforms, multilateral environmental agreements..

Waste myth #6: Landfills bad, Recycling good
13 July 2023

Waste myth #6: Landfills bad, Recycling good

We keep hearing and reading (what we think are) “waste myths” on-line and in mainstream media. Mike Ritchie has decided to dispel those myths in this "Waste myths" series of articles.

Can NSW achieve the national waste targets?
3 July 2023

Can NSW achieve the national waste targets?

NSW is heading away from a circular economy. The latest National Waste Report data shows that not only is NSW total waste generation growing but our waste to landfill is also growing.

Waste myth #4: Household recycling sent to landfill
9 May 2023

Waste myth #4: Household recycling sent to landfill

We keep hearing and reading (what we think are) “waste myths” on-line and in mainstream media. Mike Ritchie has embarked on a "Waste myths" series of articles to dispel as many myths as possible.

WA shows the way with waste infrastructure Plan
6 April 2023

WA shows the way with waste infrastructure Plan

The Draft Western Australian Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan 2023 is out and open for comment until 23 June 2023. This is a significant milestone and a valuable template for other States.  

Sorting out the Yellow Recycling Bin 
21 December 2022

Sorting out the Yellow Recycling Bin 

We have a national average contamination rate in the yellow lid bin of about 12%. 

Auditor general report on the National Waste Policy Action Plan
12 December 2022

Auditor general report on the National Waste Policy Action Plan

The Auditor General’s Report on the effectiveness of the National Waste Policy Action Plan has found that it sets the right targets but is poorly enacted at all levels of government.

Achieving our waste targets
Circular Economy
2 December 2022

Achieving our waste targets

By: Mike Ritchie, MRA Consulting Group In 2019, Australia’s environment ministers and the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) agreed to the National Waste Policy and Action Plan (NWPAP). For the first time, all Governments were committing to collective action on recycling, waste management and the creation of a more Circular Economy. Our governments finally agreed […]

A review of the draft NSW Climate Change Policy and Action Plan
Climate Change
16 November 2022

A review of the draft NSW Climate Change Policy and Action Plan

The NSW EPA has released the draft Climate Change Policy and Action Plan that aims to set the framework for halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 (from 2005 levels), zeroing emissions by 2050, and improving NSW’s resilience to climate change impacts.

The MRA cheat sheet to yellow bin recycling
27 September 2022

The MRA cheat sheet to yellow bin recycling

Even if you are a waste expert, you can never be sure what can go into a specific council’s recycling bin without first looking it up.

The end of waste- Planning and the Circular Economy
Circular Economy
15 September 2022

The end of waste- Planning and the Circular Economy

In, NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041, the State's most recent waste strategy, the NSW Department of Planning, Infrastructure and Environment has stopped talking about the waste hierarchy and started talking about the circular economy

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