Resource recovery

Product Stewardship scheme effectiveness
Circular Economy
27 June 2024

Product Stewardship scheme effectiveness

Which product stewardship schemes are most effective? Not many!

We should use the term “Service Fee” instead of “Gate Fee”
Circular Economy
10 June 2024

We should use the term “Service Fee” instead of “Gate Fee”

All waste, and most recycling, becomes a resource only when money is spent converting it.

The goal of creating a Circular Economy is slipping through our fingers
29 February 2024

The goal of creating a Circular Economy is slipping through our fingers

State and Commonwealth Government action is necessary for the National Waste Action Plan to succeed and achieve the 2030 targets

Pacific dealing with waste
MRA Projects
25 September 2023

Pacific dealing with waste

In the pacific, SPREP is leaving no stone unturned. Organics recovery, diversion from landfill, EfW, EOL tyres, EPR, legislative reforms, multilateral environmental agreements..

Achieving our waste targets
Circular Economy
2 December 2022

Achieving our waste targets

By: Mike Ritchie, MRA Consulting Group In 2019, Australia’s environment ministers and the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) agreed to the National Waste Policy and Action Plan (NWPAP). For the first time, all Governments were committing to collective action on recycling, waste management and the creation of a more Circular Economy. Our governments finally agreed […]

The 2021 national plastics plan in a nutshell
Circular Economy
1 July 2022

The 2021 national plastics plan in a nutshell

Australia’s National Plastics Plan 2021 was released a year ago. Sadly, it looks like most of its targets will be missed. Nevertheless, the Plan provides a strong foundation for tackling plastic waste in Australia.

Super-spreader landfills causing climate change
5 October 2021

Super-spreader landfills causing climate change

For more than ten years, MRA has been arguing for an “Organics Revolution” in Australia to remove organics from landfill.

Reviewing the Review From Rubbish to Resources – Building a Circular Economy
Circular Economy
24 December 2020

Reviewing the Review From Rubbish to Resources – Building a Circular Economy

Karinne Taylor critically reviews the House Committee on Industry, Innovation, Science and Resources report “From Rubbish to Resources: Building a Circular Economy”.

Key points on COAG export bans
Circular Economy
29 September 2020

Key points on COAG export bans

One of the most interesting Coffs Waste sessions this year was the COAG panel discussion addressing the forthcoming export bans on glass, plastics, paper and tyres where Minister Trevor Evans made a number of interesting key points.

National Waste Action Plan 2019
Circular Economy
27 July 2020

National Waste Action Plan 2019

The National Waste Action Plan 2019 was agreed by Federal, State and Local governments setting national targets and actions for reducing waste to landfill. To achieve this, industry, waste generators and local government need the right market signals and regulations to drive the necessary investment.

2 years since Asia stopped taking our recycling. Where do we stand?
Circular Economy
10 June 2020

2 years since Asia stopped taking our recycling. Where do we stand?

It is more than two years since China National Sword and the limitations on export to Asian recycling nations, kicked in. Recycling has not collapsed but it has taken some pretty big hits. So where are we up to now?

Can FOGO work in MUDs?
Circular Economy
27 May 2020

Can FOGO work in MUDs?

Following up on Virginia Brunton's well received "Where to with food waste" article, Mike Ritchie discusses FOGO in MUDs. Mike argues that collecting FOGO from MUDs is not just feasible, it is necessary. Getting food and garden waste out of all households will: - reduce #waste to #landfill by 50% or more - save up to 2.7% of Australia’s GHG emissions and - produce millions of tonnes of soil enhancing compost.

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