FOGO myth #1: FOGO contamination is too high and prevents good quality compost
18 June 2024

FOGO myth #1: FOGO contamination is too high and prevents good quality compost

Scare mongering about FOGO contamination is helping no-one

Residual remedy
13 September 2023

Residual remedy

There's no such thing as a zero-waste society. There will always be residuals that can't be reused, recycled, or recovered. So, what do we do with them?

Waste myth #7: FOGO is too contaminated to recycle
21 August 2023

Waste myth #7: FOGO is too contaminated to recycle

We keep hearing and reading (what we think are) “waste myths” on-line and in mainstream media. Mike Ritchie has decided to dispel those myths in this "Waste myths" series of articles.

Kerbside FOGO needs a national standard
5 October 2022

Kerbside FOGO needs a national standard

As Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) collections are more widely introduced by councils, a uniform approach is required nationally.

Getting the most out of the FOGO revolution
14 July 2022

Getting the most out of the FOGO revolution

Perth, Adelaide, all of Victoria and now all NSW households will have FOGO (Food Organics, Garden Organics) collections by 2030.

QLD provides the roadmap for Organics
21 June 2022

QLD provides the roadmap for Organics

Resource recovery in Queensland has lagged other States for a long time because they have had no landfill levy and that has stifled investment.

Letter to Local Government- Climate Change and Local Government
Circular Economy
8 June 2022

Letter to Local Government- Climate Change and Local Government

I am glad that Local Government has levers that can reduce emissions and slow climate change.

Organics collection mandates NSW – overcoming ‘barriers’
11 April 2022

Organics collection mandates NSW – overcoming ‘barriers’

The NSW EPA recently provided the Waste Advisory Group NSW with an update on the implementation of the Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041 and the Waste Delivery Plan.

A day in the life of a Circular Economy consultant
Circular Economy
14 October 2021

A day in the life of a Circular Economy consultant

People often ask “Is MRA doing any Circular Economy work?”. The answer is “Plenty”.

NSW grants now open: Organics Collections
28 September 2021

NSW grants now open: Organics Collections

The NSW EPA announced Round 9 of the Organics Collection Household stream grant program which aims to divert food and garden waste from landfill and redirect it to organics processing facilities.

Composting kit – Chicken or Egg
Circular Economy
21 September 2021

Composting kit – Chicken or Egg

Which comes first, composting capacity or the commitment by Council to supply FOGO material?

FOGO in MUDs – how to make it work
Circular Economy
9 July 2021

FOGO in MUDs – how to make it work

As our cities become bigger we are living more in units and flats (MUDs or multi-unit dwellings) rather than houses (SUDs or single unit dwellings).

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