State Strategy

Bin Trim rebates for SME recyclers
State Strategy
12 April 2016

Bin Trim rebates for SME recyclers

The NSW EPA has released new opportunities for Bin Trim Rebates under the $465.7 million NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM). The rebates provide a new opportunity to SME recyclers (collectors and processors) to deliver new or enhanced services to their small and medium businesses clients. The rebate funding is summarised below: Grant […]

NSW Council amalgamations and the waste contract pathway
State Strategy
31 March 2016

NSW Council amalgamations and the waste contract pathway

By Dr Ron Wainberg – Technical Director and Kiera Crosariol – Environmental Consultant, MRA Consulting Some NSW councils are about to amalgamate; as a result, the councils affected will have to plan for eventual integration of their residential and commercial waste services. Waste management often represents the largest long term contractual commitment for a Local […]

South Australia considers ‘Pay as you throw’ scheme
State Strategy
13 November 2015

South Australia considers ‘Pay as you throw’ scheme

South Australia’s suggested waste management reforms as set out in ‘Reforming waste management – Creating certainty for an industry to grow’ discusses the concept of ‘Pay as you throw’ or ‘Save as you throw’ variable rate pricing for waste services. The basics are to provide variable pricing based on the volume of the bin or […]

What is the cost of litter?
State Strategy
24 September 2015

What is the cost of litter?

MRA has been engaged by the NSW EPA to survey, analyse and report on the costs of litter management across NSW. We are collecting data for the financial year 2014/15 and we are looking for stakeholders who would be interested in completing a short survey regarding their organisation’s litter management activities and costs. The survey […]

Mandatory waste management group membership slated for Perth
State Strategy
14 January 2015

Mandatory waste management group membership slated for Perth

A review of WA’s Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2007 (WARR Act) is set to create an opportunity for new recovery infrastructure in Perth. The WARR Act is the principal legislation for waste management in Western Australia. It is subject to a statutory review within five years of its commencement. Starting in July 2008, […]

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