20 July 2021
As of 1 July 2021 resource recovery facilities in Victoria are captured under new Environment Protection Regulations. Facilities that trigger the requirements must apply by October 2021 for a licence or permit or by 2 January 2022 if the activity needs a registration. If you do not make an application, you can no longer operate.
Circular Economy
9 July 2021
As our cities become bigger we are living more in units and flats (MUDs or multi-unit dwellings) rather than houses (SUDs or single unit dwellings).
Circular Economy
2 July 2021
Kerbside FOGO collection and processing to compost is gaining steam around Australia. So, what is the optimal bin configuration?
Circular Economy
30 June 2021
A response to Sam Bateman’s “Is landfill part of the circular economy?”
6 May 2021
Once more, MRA made its presence felt at the Coffs Waste conference.
Circular Economy
9 April 2021
Federal Environment Minister Susan Ley supports standardised waste collection systems, including a common bin lid colour across Australia. We propose to also standardise the colour of the bin's body to maximise recycled plastic use.
Circular Economy
1 March 2021
The single biggest greenhouse gas emissions decision you will make as Mayor, is “Are we still sending organic waste to landfill?”
10 February 2021
MRA welcomes the announcement by the Tasmanian Government on the introduction of a waste levy in Tasmania.
27 November 2020
Waste is ‘waste’ by definition of the fact it is discarded. The generator has to pay someone to get rid of it.
Ιt will only become a ‘resource’ when it is separated, sorted, cleaned-up and is available as an input to another process.
13 October 2020
The 2020-21 budget is out and for the first time, the Commonwealth identified the waste sector as one of the 6 (yes 6 only) sectors for focussed job creation.
MRA's Mike Ritchie reviewed the budget noting some important points.
6 October 2020
MRA’s Mike Ritchie was interviewed by Kevin Warner on waste in Australia, the current landscape for energy from waste and what the road ahead looks like.
4 June 2020
$24 million in funding has been released to support NSW local councils and the Alternative Waste Treatment (AWT) industry to transition away from MWOO following the 2018 EPA revocation of the order and exemption allowing MWOO application to land.