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MRA and Modern Shoes- A Step Closer to Zero Landfill

Through the Bin Trim program, MRA and Modern Shoes were able to divert close to 30 tonnes of waste from landfill, saving the business $21,600 per year.

By James Smith, MRA Consulting Group

Sample of leather off-cuts generated by Modern Shoes, August 2019

In August 2019, the MRA Bin Trim team approached Modern Shoes during the final recruiting period for the third round of the NSW Government’s Bin Trim program.

A Bin Trim Assessor identified a significant volume of leather off-cuts being sent to landfill. Our experience with the Bin Trim program enabled us to identify a suitable recycler, provide samples to test the recyclability of the product and ultimately provide a cheap, sustainable recycling solution for the business.

Prior to the assessment, Modern Shoes sent approximately 54 tonnes of various material to landfill, per annum. Leather off-cuts was the largest component by weight (55%), followed by plastic (26%).  

With assistance from the Bin Trim program, Modern Shoes has managed to:

  • Divert 100% of their leather waste from landfill;
  • Increase their overall recycling rate from 32% to 88% and;
  • Reduce their waste disposal costs by a minimum of $1,800 per month, saving $21,600 per year.

EPA Bin Trim Program

Bin Trim is designed to provide businesses with long-term waste management solutions. The program funds Bin Trim assessors to provide NSW businesses with a free waste assessment and tailored action plan through a simple 5-step program:

  1. An assessor will visit your business site and register the business for the Bin Trim program.
  2. The assessor will review your business waste and determine how much more your business can recycle.
  3. A tailored waste reduction action plan will be provided to you along with an assessment for equipment rebate eligibility.
  4. The assessor will provide practical support and advice to help you put your plan into action. This could include employee education or new recycling services.
  5. The assessor will conduct a second waste assessment to measure progress.

Free assessments and rebates:

Businesses  with fewer than 400 employees are eligible to participate in Bin Trim. In addition, a maximum of five sites from one company can be assessed. Businesses may also be eligible for a rebate of between $1,000 and $50,000 to cover up to 50% of the cost of recycling equipment.

Bin Trim is part of the NSW Government’s Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, run by the EPA. An $802 million funding program for business recycling, organics collections, market development, managing problem wastes, new waste infrastructure, local councils and programs to tackle illegal dumping and litter. is the Bin Trim program is funded through the waste levy and is the largest business recycling program if its type in Australia.

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