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NSW waste levy rates for 2018/19 announced

The NSW EPA has just announced the solid and liquid waste levy rates for 2018/19. In accordance with Clause 11 of the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014, all levies have been only adjusted for inflation (Consumer Price Index).

By MRA Consulting Group

EPA logo 2017The NSW EPA has just announced the solid and liquid waste levy rates for 2018/19. In accordance with Clause 11 of the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014, all levies have been only adjusted for inflation (Consumer Price Index).

Applicable from 1 July 2018 onwards, the metropolitan solid waste levy will be $141.20 per tonne while for the Regional Levy Area (RLA) it will be $81.30 per tonne.

The levy for trackable liquid waste is similarly adjusted to $75.60 per tonne.  Note that for the Jun-Aug 2018 quarter (which extends across two financial years) the levy will be $75.10 per tonne.

The concessional waste levy rate for virgin excavated natural material has also increased to $127.08 per tonne for the Metropolitan Levy Area (MLA) and $73.17 per tonne for RLA. The levy for coal washery rejects will rise to $14.80 per tonne.

In line with the Waste Regulation, the 2019/20 waste levy rates will again increase by Consumer Price Index (CPI) only. Further information is provided on the EPA website, while the table below presents the change to the solid waste levy amount over the years.

Period MLA RLA
2009/10 $58.80 $10.00
2010/11 $70.30 $20.40
2011/12 $82.20 $31.10
2012/13 $95.20 $42.40
2013/14 $107.80 $53.70
2014/15 $120.90 $65.40
2015/16 $133.10 $76.70
2016/17 $135.70 $78.20
2017/18 $138.20 $79.60
$2018/19 $141.20 $81.30

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