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Planning and Approvals capabilities in high demand

MRA’s Planning and Approvals team is going from strength to strength.

“With the introduction of the PoEO (Waste) Regulation changes in late 2014, we have seen a surge in clients seeking to ensure their regulatory house is in order. We have successfully completed a number of development and licence applications for new and existing waste businesses over the last 12 months”, said Sheelagh Laguna, MRA’s Planning and Approvals Manager.

In order to support the increasing client need for planning services, MRA has recently appointed David Schumacher as Senior Environmental Consultant. David is an expert planning consultant with seven years experience in environmental assessment and project management.

“David’s experience and drive are a great asset to our team as we expand our client offering in the regulatory space”, said Sheelagh.








MRA’s services in licensing and approvals include:

Development Approvals

  • Development Consent review
  • Development Applications (DA) and amendments
  • Environmental Impact Assessments (SEE, REF and EIS)
  • Development Consent compliance audits
  • Specialist study co-ordination
  • Community consultation
  • Waste management plans


  • Environmental Protection Licence applications and variations, including supporting documentation
  • EPL condition negotiation
  • Licence condition compliance audits
  • Pollution Incident Response Management Plans
  • Facilitation of financial assurance
  • Site visits with EPA personnel
  • Full EPA liaison and licensing follow-up


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