Weight based charging for waste – WMAA Breakfast Seminar
WMAA is hosting a Breakfast Seminar on Monday, 25 May on weight based charging opportunities and issues in the commercial sector.
The issue of weight based charging (WBC) is on the agenda. Commercial waste bin collection is currently a volume based charging system and not weight based. How would a WBC system impact the waste and resource recovery industry? What are the advantages and disadvantages for the waste generators? What are the issues the industry needs to consider with regard to a WBC system?
At this Breakfast Seminar Tony Khoury, Executive Director, Waste Contractors and Recyclers Association (WCRA) and Mike Ritchie, Director, MRA Consulting will present viewpoints from different sectors of the waste industry and discuss the opportunities and issues that this might raise for Australia.
TIME 7.30am – 9.15am
DATE Monday, 25 May 2015
VENUE Novotel Sydney Parramatta, 350 Church Street, Parramatta, NSW
COST WMAA Members: $80 (incl. GST), Non Members: $120 (incl. GST) includes breakfast
RSVP Wednesday, 20 May 2015
To register click here
Tony Khoury Executive Director, Waste Contractors and Recyclers Association
Tony Khoury is the Executive Director of the Waste Contractors and Recyclers Association of NSW (WCRA).
Since 2003, Tony has worked hard to shape the business of WCRA and turn it into a successful business entity that is well supported by its Members, Sponsors and highly respected by all Stakeholders (including EPA, WorkCover, the Unions and Fair Work Commission).
WCRA Members represent an estimated 95% of commercially owned/controlled waste and recycling collection vehicles in NSW. Wherever a Council contracts out its waste and / or recycling collection service it does so to a Member of WCRA. Tony is also a proud member and supporter of WMAA.
Mike Ritchie Director, MRA Consulting Group
Mike is a leader and strategic thinker in the recycling, waste and related carbon sector. With over 25 years’ experience in the recycling industry, he works with all levels of government and business, to drive economically sensible waste reform.
As Director of MRA he works in the areas of business case development, consent approvals and licences, carbon planning, infrastructure investment, technology assessment, advocacy and government relations. With a team of 16 specialists MRA provides comprehensive advice on waste and recycling to all sectors of the Australian economy.
Mike was a Commissioner on the Victorian Ministerial Advisory Council on waste governance, has conducted reviews and projects on waste, recycling, infrastructure and policy, for all State governments and many councils.