ERF: 8 week registration deadline for existing abatement projects
3 May 2015

ERF: 8 week registration deadline for existing abatement projects

One of the key features of the Emissions Reduction Fund is that projects need to be “new” at the time of registration. From July 1st, only “paper projects” (projects in concept phase up to and including a completed design but without a formal decision to go ahead) will be allowed to participate. That is, if […]

When one man’s ‘waste’ is a resource
1 May 2015

When one man’s ‘waste’ is a resource

A recent case in the NSW Land and Environment Court has highlighted the discord between NSW’s planning laws and the environmental protection laws, which could impact the way that waste and recycling processers are approved and regulated. After much advocacy by the waste and recycling sectors, the Government in 2007 introduced the State Environmental Planning […]

Lessons from the first ERF carbon auction
27 April 2015

Lessons from the first ERF carbon auction

Published by The winners during the first Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) auction have been announced. Congratulations to those who succeeded in securing a Carbon Abatement Contract with the Federal Government and commiserations to those who missed out. But don’t despair: there are many more auctions to come. Under the ERF, the Federal Government is […]

Weight based charging for waste – WMAA Breakfast Seminar
23 April 2015

Weight based charging for waste – WMAA Breakfast Seminar

WMAA is hosting a Breakfast Seminar on Monday, 25 May on weight based charging opportunities and issues in the commercial sector. The issue of weight based charging (WBC) is on the agenda. Commercial waste bin collection is currently a volume based charging system and not weight based. How would a WBC system impact the waste […]

So, you’re ready for FOGO
17 April 2015

So, you’re ready for FOGO

Article written by Jacqueline Ong and originally published by Inside Waste Is there a compelling case for councils to go down the FOGO path? For NSW at least, the government is supportive of increasing organic diversion rates and has put its money where its mouth is with the Waste Less Recycle More initiative. MRA Consulting […]

Risk Based Licencing – nothing to fear
30 March 2015

Risk Based Licencing – nothing to fear

The NSW EPA’s risk-based licensing system commences on 1 July 2015. The goal of Risk Based Licensing is to allocate the maximum EPA resources to those sites that pose the greatest environmental risk and less to those that do not. The EPA intends to conduct an environmental Risk Assessment for each licenced site in NSW […]

Energy from Waste (EfW) can deliver 9% abatement of Australia’s emissions
24 March 2015

Energy from Waste (EfW) can deliver 9% abatement of Australia’s emissions

There has been much said recently about the need to use nuclear energy as a bridging technology while renewable technologies and battery systems in particular, are improved. It seems to me that waste and recycling have again been overlooked as serious contributors to Australia’s emission abatement task. In 2006 Warnken ISE and SITA Australia published […]

MRA Best Small Consultancy in Australia 2015
18 March 2015

MRA Best Small Consultancy in Australia 2015

“MRA has once again emerged the winner in the Inside Waste Consultants Review” said Jacqueline Ong the Editor of Inside Waste. The annual survey asks stakeholders from local, State and Federal government, the commercial sector, consultancies and private sector waste generators who they think are Australia’s waste experts and why. The review assessed the market […]

The State of Waste 2015
10 March 2015

The State of Waste 2015

Australia generates 48 MT/year of waste (latest National Waste Data Report 2014). In the period 1997-2012 our population rose by 22% but waste generation increased by 145%. There are more of us and we generate more waste per person, each year. On the positive side, recycling is growing at a faster rate and since 2005 […]

Rules to exclude WLRM projects from ERF Fund banned
18 February 2015

Rules to exclude WLRM projects from ERF Fund banned

Rules to exclude Waste Less Recycle More (WLRM) projects from the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) dumped. All WLRM projects are free to participate in the ERF and to generate carbon credits. The Department of the Environment has yesterday published its Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Rule 2015 instrument that will guide the ERF first auction. […]

What does the QLD election mean for waste?
18 February 2015

What does the QLD election mean for waste?

The QLD election has seen the ALP achieve one of the biggest swings in Australia’s political history. ALP QLD has officially secured 44 seats, giving it the required number to form a minority government. Annastacia Palaszcuk, Labor Premier and Steven Miles, the new QLD Environment Minister now have the task of revitalising the QLD recycling […]

Banning plastic bags – the tip of the iceberg
6 February 2015

Banning plastic bags – the tip of the iceberg

If you stash a handful of plastic bags in the cupboard after your weekly supermarket shop, then this article is for you. The NSW Greens have announced an election pledge to ban the single use plastic shopping bag. Many other States and Territories have already gone down that path via bans or 10 cent fees. […]

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