In the Media
15 May 2019
MRA’s Mike Ritchie was interviewed by Footprint news on the "chain of responsibility" clauses that Australian councils have started adding to their tender documents for recycling services.
Climate Change
13 May 2019
MRA’s Mike Ritchie was featured on the cover of Waste Management Review having been interviewed on the waste sector’s contribution to national emissions and its role in meeting Australia’s commitment to the Paris Agreement.
MRA News
12 May 2019
The Coffs Harbour Waste Conference (8-10 May 2018) is the leading conference for the waste management industry in Australia and MRA is attending. Please feel free to chat to us about China's National Sword, the Australian waste industry, the interstate transport of waste or any other waste issues you are interested in.
9 May 2019
The International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW), celebrated every year during the first full week of May, represents a great opportunity for joining compost related workshops, seminars and activities. Abroad and in Australia, the compost industry and enthusiasts rev up the efforts to increase awareness of the importance of compost and to promote the use of compost and related products.
17 April 2019
The NSW EPA has had the power to seek the confiscation of profits gained from breaking environmental laws since the introduction of the POEO Act. However, it has now established a method for calculating Monetary Benefit Orders and is already using these to pursue cases in court.
2 April 2019
Mike Ritchie attended the 2019 Australian Landfills and Transfer Stations Conference and delivered a presentation on how differences in legislation, targets and data between states is hindering resource recovery in Australia.
29 March 2019
Sustainability Victoria is providing a $4 million funding boost for major recycling projects that aim to increase resource recovery. These fourth round grants of between $40,000 and $500,000 are aimed at business and local governments that aim to increase sorting and reprocess priority materials.
18 March 2019
FOGO diversion from landfill is one of the cheapest global warming abatement options. It is also relatively easy to do and should be prioritised by Government.
14 March 2019
MRA's Mike Ritchie has welcomed the recently released NSW ALP War on Waste policy to invest waste levy funds back into the circular economy.
The Recycling and War on Waste policy released by Michael Daley
and Penny Sharpe is an important step towards creating the circular economy and
achieving a more sustainable balance between the economy and the environment”
22 February 2019
Since Mike's article on Saving Kerbside Recycling was written, the Victorian EPA has temporarily closed down the three SKM MRFs in Melbourne, due to fire risk associated with stockpiles.
Over 20 Councils have either suspended their kerbside recycling services or they are sending their recyclables to landfill.
20 February 2019
On Tuesday 2 April in Melbourne and Thursday 4 April in Sydney, Dave and Mike respectively will be presenting and participating in the Targeting Zero Waste Seminars event organised by the Green Building Council of Australia.
Book by 19 March using the code WASTE20 for a 20% discount.
19 February 2019
After combining and analysing data from five distinct global meteorological and marine observation datasets, the UN warns that we might see temperature increases 3-5°C by 2100.