Bingo acquisition of DADI may open up C&I sorting capacity in Australia
26 September 2018

Bingo acquisition of DADI may open up C&I sorting capacity in Australia

According to the 2016 National Waste Report, Commercial and Industrial waste (C&I) represents 20 MT of the 53 MT of waste generated in Australia (or 40% of generation). It also represents 34% of all waste sent to landfill (or 7.2MT out of 21MT) and achieves a 64% recovery rate compared to C&D (64%) and MSW (51%). Not bad in the scheme of things.

Queensland 2018/19 Local Government Levy Ready Grants Program now open
9 September 2018

Queensland 2018/19 Local Government Levy Ready Grants Program now open

By MRA Consulting Group The Queensland government has just opened the one-off $5m 2018/19 Local Government Levy Ready Grants Program. The grant program is being administered by the department of Local Government, Racing and Multicultural Affairs on behalf of the Department of Environment and Science and aims to assist Queensland councils in setting up the […]

MRA’s Mike Ritchie to facilitate AWRE ‘State of Waste’ seminar in Sydney
27 August 2018

MRA’s Mike Ritchie to facilitate AWRE ‘State of Waste’ seminar in Sydney

By MRA Consulting Group On the morning of Thursday August 30, Mike will be moderating a panel discussing the changing environment faced by the Australian waste industry. The discussion will focus on China’s National Sword, NSW ‘Return and Earn’ CDS, Queensland’s forthcoming landfill levy and the options and opportunities available to local government and waste […]

Commentary by climate sceptics should come with a warning
Climate Change
21 August 2018

Commentary by climate sceptics should come with a warning

All political commentary on the National Energy Guarantee (NEG), coal and climate change should come with a warning and a declaration on whether the author is a climate change sceptic or not.

The state of waste reform in NSW – a review from the past
State Strategy
15 August 2018

The state of waste reform in NSW – a review from the past

Waste and recycling reform is on the move. The Federal Government has announced it will revive the National Waste Strategy by the end of 2018. As part of the discussion on strategic direction I thought it would be useful to go back and revisit a previous strategic review and see what we have achieved (or not) in NSW. To put it another way, while there is a lot of movement at present, is the movement achieving the main priorities?

Mike Ritchie moderates UnEaten Matters panel
14 August 2018

Mike Ritchie moderates UnEaten Matters panel

MRA's Mike Ritchie was very pleased to have been invited to contribute to the Environmental Professionals Forum's (EPF) UnEaten Matters evening on the 8th of August. Mike moderated a panel of professionals to discuss the complexities of food waste.

Mike Ritchie talks FOGO on ABC’s War on Waste
10 August 2018

Mike Ritchie talks FOGO on ABC’s War on Waste

ABC's latest War on Waste series has recently concluded and it has been a resounding success. This year the spotlight has been turned to plastic water bottles, straws, e-waste, fast furniture, the recycling crisis and food waste. On that last front, MRA's Mike Ritchie made an appearance to talk about why we need Food and Garden Organics (FOGO) services across the nation.

NSW EPA Organics Infrastructure (Large and Small) Round 6 grants announced
18 July 2018

NSW EPA Organics Infrastructure (Large and Small) Round 6 grants announced

The NSW EPA has released the sixth round of the Organics Infrastructure (Large and Small) Program grant under the $337 million Waste Less Recycle More Initiative, 2014-17 (WLRM) extension.

Composting massively reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to landfill
11 July 2018

Composting massively reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to landfill

At a recent meeting with Local Government Mayors and CEO’s, a claim was made that transporting organics by truck to a distant compost facility (in this case 150km away) would emit more greenhouse gases than landfilling it locally. Thinking that the carbon forcing factor of methane from landfill (25 times CO2) would render that claim incorrect, I thought I should go back and check the maths.

MRA appointed Bin Trim grantee for a third round in a row
MRA News
9 July 2018

MRA appointed Bin Trim grantee for a third round in a row

MRA is happy to announce that for a third round in a row, it has been awarded a Bin Trim grant by the NSW EPA. In this, third round of Bin Trim, MRA secured the single largest grant between all 16 successful grantees. Our goal is to build upon our partnerships and networks to assist businesses across multiple industry sectors within the Sydney region to increase their recycling by 20%.

WLRM Product Improvement Program grants now open
29 June 2018

WLRM Product Improvement Program grants now open

The NSW EPA has opened round 1 of its $4.5M Product Improvement Program grants under the $48M Waste and Recycling Infrastructure Fund of the NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM).

MRA helps secure more than half of the grant funding awarded for resource recovery facility upgrades
MRA News
26 June 2018

MRA helps secure more than half of the grant funding awarded for resource recovery facility upgrades

MRA has been successful in assisting clients win over 50% of the grant funding available under the NSW EPA Waste Less Recycle More grants program for Resource Recovery Facility Expansion and Enhancement. Of the eight successful grant funding applications, MRA prepared four of the submissions and secured more than $2m in funding from the $3.7m awarded.

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