10 December 2020
Australians want to take care of the environment. We have set a national resource recovery target of 80% by 2030. How do we achieve these goals?
Well, we cannot go wrong with a nationwide landfill levy.
27 November 2020
Waste is ‘waste’ by definition of the fact it is discarded. The generator has to pay someone to get rid of it.
Ιt will only become a ‘resource’ when it is separated, sorted, cleaned-up and is available as an input to another process.
23 November 2020
Landfill levies may be blunt instruments but they have also shown their effectiveness in Australia.
Waste generators have a binary decision to make. Recycle or landfill. More often than not, it comes down to price.
To meet our 80% diversion from landfill target, we need to make the answer to that question simple and ever present.
8 November 2020
In the days before CDS, containers made up half of the volume of most Australian kerbside bins. Post-CDS, yellow top bins are not as full anymore.
That creates opportunities for new products to go into the yellow bin system. Mike Ritchie discusses our options for increasing recycling.
Circular Economy
2 November 2020
Waste is like a river that flows downhill to the cheapest price. Landfills are like big vacuum cleaners - they suck up waste and resources indiscriminately. If we continue to supply cheaply priced landfills, then that is where our waste will go.
There will always be a place for well-run landfills. But if we want to create a circular economy, then the first and most obvious thing we need to do, is stop the one-way flow into landfills.
29 October 2020
The NSW DPIE conducted an excellent review of FOGO performance across 34 Councils in NSW.
Average performance is a poor indicator of the trends in FOGO so Mike Ritchie, re-analysed the data to look at individual Council performance and summarised his findings in an informative article.
13 October 2020
The 2020-21 budget is out and for the first time, the Commonwealth identified the waste sector as one of the 6 (yes 6 only) sectors for focussed job creation.
MRA's Mike Ritchie reviewed the budget noting some important points.
6 October 2020
MRA’s Mike Ritchie was interviewed by Kevin Warner on waste in Australia, the current landscape for energy from waste and what the road ahead looks like.
28 March 2019
Mike Ritchie will present on "Removal of food and organics from waste to landfill – prospects and issues" at ASBG's Queensland seminar in Lidcombe on 12 April 2019. Read on for the full program and to learn how to get the MRA client discount.
In the Media
15 August 2017
A Four Corners waste industry exposé highlighted legitimate and serious problems, but was grossly unfair to NSW senior bureaucrat Steve Beaman, according to a leading environmental consultant.
27 September 2016
By James Ellinson and Dimitris Dimoliatis, MRA Consulting Group Re-use centres are a small, yet growing industry in Australia that offer a unique opportunity to tackle more than just waste. These facilities also engage in job outreach programs for disadvantaged communities, particularly for people with disabilities. Re-use centres sell used, recycled and second hand products […]