23 September 2021
The NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041 has ambitious targets to achieve an 80% average recovery rate from all waste streams, triple the plastics recycling rate and halve the amount of organic waste sent to landfill by 2030.
Circular Economy
16 June 2021
The NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041: (Stage 1 – 2021-2027) has endorsed diversion of organic waste from landfill to deliver substantive reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from NSW landfills.
10 February 2021
MRA welcomes the announcement by the Tasmanian Government on the introduction of a waste levy in Tasmania.
28 March 2019
Mike Ritchie will present on "Removal of food and organics from waste to landfill – prospects and issues" at ASBG's Queensland seminar in Lidcombe on 12 April 2019. Read on for the full program and to learn how to get the MRA client discount.
14 March 2019
MRA's Mike Ritchie has welcomed the recently released NSW ALP War on Waste policy to invest waste levy funds back into the circular economy.
The Recycling and War on Waste policy released by Michael Daley
and Penny Sharpe is an important step towards creating the circular economy and
achieving a more sustainable balance between the economy and the environment”
22 February 2019
Since Mike's article on Saving Kerbside Recycling was written, the Victorian EPA has temporarily closed down the three SKM MRFs in Melbourne, due to fire risk associated with stockpiles.
Over 20 Councils have either suspended their kerbside recycling services or they are sending their recyclables to landfill.
State Strategy
15 August 2018
Waste and recycling reform is on the move. The Federal Government has announced it will revive the National Waste Strategy by the end of 2018. As part of the discussion on strategic direction I thought it would be useful to go back and revisit a previous strategic review and see what we have achieved (or not) in NSW. To put it another way, while there is a lot of movement at present, is the movement achieving the main priorities?
State Strategy
12 June 2018
Following Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s announcement back in March 20th, the Queensland Government released for public consultation a directions paper on the State’s recycling and waste industry.
State Strategy
5 June 2018
The NSW EPA has just announced the solid and liquid waste levy rates for 2018/19. In accordance with Clause 11 of the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014, all levies have been only adjusted for inflation (Consumer Price Index).
State Strategy
18 December 2017
More than a week after the Queensland election, current predictions are for a Labor majority. At the same time, the NSW EPA has told a NSW parliamentary inquiry that the scale of waste transport to Queensland is far higher than previously believed. An eye-watering 830,000 tonnes was transported in 2016/17, largely by rail, almost double the 430,000 tonnes transported in the previous year.
State Strategy
31 May 2017
Friday 17th March, marked the deadline for tender submissions to operate the NSW Container Deposit Scheme (CDS). Next steps will be the appointment by the Minister of the Scheme Coordinator and Network Operators in June 2017. By 1 December 2017, over 430 Collection Points need to be established. This article sets out the basics of the Scheme.
State Strategy
29 July 2016
By Mike Ritchie – Director, MRA Consulting Group The decision to increase the levy to $103/t over 4 years will send a strong pricing signal to recyclers and waste generators in South Australia. To recyclers it is a signal to invest in new services and infrastructure and to grow jobs. To waste generators it is […]