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Compost guru joins MRA Consulting Group

Virginia BruntonVirginia Brunton recently joined the MRA team, bringing with her over 25 years experience in organics research, industry development and engagement with farmers, producers and policy makers.

Virginia will lead MRA Organics with a focus on:

  • council organics and compost services,
  • recovered organics market expansion
  • solutions for businesses
  • advice to government and industry
  • grant funding
  • market development and
  • farmer programs.

This comes at a critical time for the waste and agricultural industries, as they respond to climate change impacts, El Nino forces, government policy settings and a national push for the separation of food waste from domestic and commercial waste streams.

Virginia is already running programs with over 250 farmers and 60 agronomists to expand the use of recycled organics in NSW.

Virginia is the author of Using Compost in Agriculture and is undertaking a PhD in compost usage.

MRA works nationally with organic waste generators, processors and local councils. For further information, contact


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