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Pete Shmigel joins the MRA team

MRA Consulting Group is proud to announce the appointment of Peter Shmigel to the role of Executive Consultant at MRA, responsible for corporate and council waste advisory services.

Pete joins MRA after his successful stint as CEO of the Australian Council of Recycling, where he helped shape the National Waste Policy and unprecedented government funding of the resource recovery sector.

He has also been CEO of Lifeline Australia, Beverage Industry Environment Council, and Buy Recycled Business Alliance, as well as a senior advisor to eight Premiers and Ministers, and a senior executive in the resource recovery sector.

Now is a hugely exciting time for resource recovery in Australia as we realise its environmental and economic potential. In that context, I’ve always respected MRA’s evidenced-based and innovative approach.

It will be awesome to work with MRA colleagues to help clients with my specialist skills in strategic planning, facilitation and co-design, organisational development, public policy analysis, multi-criteria assessment, social impact assessment, product stewardship initiatives, and community engagement.

Pete Shmigel

Pete sits on four charitable Boards and has regular columns in The Fifth Estate and Spectator Australia.

I am delighted that Peter has decided to join MRA. He has a national reputation as an outstanding leader in resource recovery. He has operated at the highest levels of government and business. This is a time of massive change in waste in Australia. We now have a national Minister for Waste and a Plan, agreed by all levels of government, to achieve 80% diversion from landfill by 2030. Only 9 years away. Peter will help businesses and government achieve that Plan. It is a massive opportunity for jobs growth and sustainable development.

Mike Ritchie, MRA Director


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