Lessons from the first ERF carbon auction
27 April 2015

Lessons from the first ERF carbon auction

Published by The winners during the first Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) auction have been announced. Congratulations to those who succeeded in securing a Carbon Abatement Contract with the Federal Government and commiserations to those who missed out. But don’t despair: there are many more auctions to come. Under the ERF, the Federal Government is […]

So, you’re ready for FOGO
17 April 2015

So, you’re ready for FOGO

Article written by Jacqueline Ong and originally published by Inside Waste Is there a compelling case for councils to go down the FOGO path? For NSW at least, the government is supportive of increasing organic diversion rates and has put its money where its mouth is with the Waste Less Recycle More initiative. MRA Consulting […]

Rules to exclude WLRM projects from ERF Fund banned
18 February 2015

Rules to exclude WLRM projects from ERF Fund banned

Rules to exclude Waste Less Recycle More (WLRM) projects from the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) dumped. All WLRM projects are free to participate in the ERF and to generate carbon credits. The Department of the Environment has yesterday published its Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Rule 2015 instrument that will guide the ERF first auction. […]

The ERF has passed – now what?
14 November 2014

The ERF has passed – now what?

With the Emissions Reduction Fund passing the Senate, industry can expect a 15-fold increase in scale of emissions reductions projects. The Emissions Reduction Fund is national scheme which provides $2.55 billion over three years to purchase emissions reductions. This $2.55 billion is budgeted to cover 2014-15 to 2017-18. Based on the average budget expenditure, this […]

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