
MRA welcomes Tas waste levy
10 February 2021

MRA welcomes Tas waste levy

MRA welcomes the announcement by the Tasmanian Government on the introduction of a waste levy in Tasmania.

Why we should have a national landfill levy
10 December 2020

Why we should have a national landfill levy

Australians want to take care of the environment. We have set a national resource recovery target of 80% by 2030. How do we achieve these goals? Well, we cannot go wrong with a nationwide landfill levy.

When is waste ā€œwasteā€?
27 November 2020

When is waste ā€œwasteā€?

Waste is ā€˜wasteā€™ by definition of the fact it is discarded. The generator has to pay someone to get rid of it. Ī™t will only become a ā€˜resourceā€™ when it is separated, sorted, cleaned-up and is available as an input to another process.

Landfill levies drive Australian recycling and resource recovery
23 November 2020

Landfill levies drive Australian recycling and resource recovery

Landfill levies may be blunt instruments but they have also shown their effectiveness in Australia. Waste generators have a binary decision to make. Recycle or landfill. More often than not, it comes down to price. To meet our 80% diversion from landfill target, we need to make the answer to that question simple and ever present.

Australian Waste Levies ā€“ something needs to be done
22 August 2019

Australian Waste Levies ā€“ something needs to be done

Australian landfill levies are on the move, with significant changes in Queensland and South Australia. The trouble with waste disposal, however, is that it tends to flow to the point of cheapest disposal. Just like water, waste flows downhill to the lowest point.

ALP War on Waste policy a step in the right direction
14 March 2019

ALP War on Waste policy a step in the right direction

MRA's Mike Ritchie has welcomed the recently released NSW ALP War on Waste policy to invest waste levy funds back into the circular economy. The Recycling and War on Waste policy released by Michael Daley and Penny Sharpe is an important step towards creating the circular economy and achieving a more sustainable balance between the economy and the environmentā€

Queensland 2018/19 Local Government Levy Ready Grants Program now open
9 September 2018

Queensland 2018/19 Local Government Levy Ready Grants Program now open

By MRA Consulting Group The Queensland government has just opened the one-off $5m 2018/19 Local Government Levy Ready Grants Program. The grant program is being administered by the department of Local Government, Racing and Multicultural Affairs on behalf of the Department of Environment and Science and aims to assist Queensland councils in setting up the […]

QLDā€™s Waste Industry Directions Paper sets the scene for significant public policy reform
State Strategy
12 June 2018

QLDā€™s Waste Industry Directions Paper sets the scene for significant public policy reform

Following Premier Annastacia Palaszczukā€™s announcement back in March 20th, the Queensland Government released for public consultation a directions paper on the Stateā€™s recycling and waste industry.

NSW waste levy rates for 2018/19 announced
State Strategy
5 June 2018

NSW waste levy rates for 2018/19 announced

The NSW EPA has just announced the solid and liquid waste levy rates for 2018/19. In accordance with Clause 11 of the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014, all levies have been only adjusted for inflation (Consumer Price Index).

Industry welcomes QLD action on interstate waste
16 April 2018

Industry welcomes QLD action on interstate waste

By MRA Consulting Group The waste and recycling industry strongly supports the reintroduction of a waste levy in QLD to grow recycling in QLD and limit the continuing movement of over a million tonnes of waste from Sydney to SE QLD. MRA Consulting Group Managing Director Mr Mike Ritchie today said ā€œI congratulate Premier Palaszczuk […]

Itā€™s time for Queensland Labor to reintroduce a landfill levy
State Strategy
18 December 2017

Itā€™s time for Queensland Labor to reintroduce a landfill levy

More than a week after the Queensland election, current predictions are for a Labor majority. At the same time, the NSW EPA has told a NSW parliamentary inquiry that the scale of waste transport to Queensland is far higher than previously believed. An eye-watering 830,000 tonnes was transported in 2016/17, largely by rail, almost double the 430,000 tonnes transported in the previous year.

Innovations and reforms in urban waste and recycling
2 November 2017

Innovations and reforms in urban waste and recycling

Australiaā€™s recycling sector is primed for continued growth. It must in order to keep up with waste generation, which is growing at a compound annual rate of 6.2%, that is 6x population growth and 2.5x economic growth. The market is there, and it is being serviced through a combination of regulatory intervention and technological innovation.

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