Waste Policy

WA shows the way with waste infrastructure Plan
6 April 2023

WA shows the way with waste infrastructure Plan

The Draft Western Australian Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan 2023 is out and open for comment until 23 June 2023. This is a significant milestone and a valuable template for other States.  

Waste myth #1: Recycling contamination
28 February 2023

Waste myth #1: Recycling contamination

We keep hearing and reading (what we think are) “waste myths” on-line and in on mainstream media. Mike Ritchie has decided to dispel those myths starting with the longest lived and most pervasive one.

Auditor general report on the National Waste Policy Action Plan
12 December 2022

Auditor general report on the National Waste Policy Action Plan

The Auditor General’s Report on the effectiveness of the National Waste Policy Action Plan has found that it sets the right targets but is poorly enacted at all levels of government.

Why we should have a national landfill levy
10 December 2020

Why we should have a national landfill levy

Australians want to take care of the environment. We have set a national resource recovery target of 80% by 2030. How do we achieve these goals? Well, we cannot go wrong with a nationwide landfill levy.

When is waste “waste”?
27 November 2020

When is waste “waste”?

Waste is ‘waste’ by definition of the fact it is discarded. The generator has to pay someone to get rid of it. Ιt will only become a ‘resource’ when it is separated, sorted, cleaned-up and is available as an input to another process.

Landfill levies drive Australian recycling and resource recovery
23 November 2020

Landfill levies drive Australian recycling and resource recovery

Landfill levies may be blunt instruments but they have also shown their effectiveness in Australia. Waste generators have a binary decision to make. Recycle or landfill. More often than not, it comes down to price. To meet our 80% diversion from landfill target, we need to make the answer to that question simple and ever present.

The role of landfills in a circular economy
Circular Economy
2 November 2020

The role of landfills in a circular economy

Waste is like a river that flows downhill to the cheapest price. Landfills are like big vacuum cleaners - they suck up waste and resources indiscriminately. If we continue to supply cheaply priced landfills, then that is where our waste will go. There will always be a place for well-run landfills. But if we want to create a circular economy, then the first and most obvious thing we need to do, is stop the one-way flow into landfills.

Budget 2020 – $250 million boost for Australia’s recycling infrastructure
13 October 2020

Budget 2020 – $250 million boost for Australia’s recycling infrastructure

The 2020-21 budget is out and for the first time, the Commonwealth identified the waste sector as one of the 6 (yes 6 only) sectors for focussed job creation. MRA's Mike Ritchie reviewed the budget noting some important points.

MRA submission to the inquiry into Australia’s Waste Management and Recycling Industries
11 February 2020

MRA submission to the inquiry into Australia’s Waste Management and Recycling Industries

MRA believes there are huge jobs, resource and carbon opportunities in recycling and waste management. In its submission to the Inquiry into Australia’s Waste Management and Recycling Industries, MRA has identified some of the key requirements for capturing these opportunities.

Growing regional jobs through recycling
20 September 2019

Growing regional jobs through recycling

For every job in landfill we create 3 jobs in recycling. For every 10,000t of waste we landfill we generate 3 landfill jobs vs 9.2 recycling jobs. Mike Ritchie explains how recycling can help grow regional jobs.

State of waste 2019
18 September 2019

State of waste 2019

The Australian Commonwealth has achieved a first. A Minister for Waste (and Environmental Management) was announced by the Morrison Government. In the 200 years since colonial settlement we have not had a Minister with Waste in their title. I hope that ushers in a period of attention and reform.

Australian Waste Levies – something needs to be done
22 August 2019

Australian Waste Levies – something needs to be done

Australian landfill levies are on the move, with significant changes in Queensland and South Australia. The trouble with waste disposal, however, is that it tends to flow to the point of cheapest disposal. Just like water, waste flows downhill to the lowest point.

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