Achieving our waste targets
Circular Economy
2 December 2022

Achieving our waste targets

By: Mike Ritchie, MRA Consulting Group In 2019, Australia’s environment ministers and the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) agreed to the National Waste Policy and Action Plan (NWPAP). For the first time, all Governments were committing to collective action on recycling, waste management and the creation of a more Circular Economy. Our governments finally agreed […]

A review of the draft NSW Climate Change Policy and Action Plan
Climate Change
16 November 2022

A review of the draft NSW Climate Change Policy and Action Plan

The NSW EPA has released the draft Climate Change Policy and Action Plan that aims to set the framework for halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 (from 2005 levels), zeroing emissions by 2050, and improving NSW’s resilience to climate change impacts.

MRA voted Best Small Consultancy of 2022
26 October 2022

MRA voted Best Small Consultancy of 2022

The results of the Inside Waste Consultants Review 2022 are in. It was a clean sweep for MRA!

Kerbside FOGO needs a national standard
5 October 2022

Kerbside FOGO needs a national standard

As Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) collections are more widely introduced by councils, a uniform approach is required nationally.

The MRA cheat sheet to yellow bin recycling
27 September 2022

The MRA cheat sheet to yellow bin recycling

Even if you are a waste expert, you can never be sure what can go into a specific council’s recycling bin without first looking it up.

Landfills are strong GHG emitters – that is what the science says
21 September 2022

Landfills are strong GHG emitters – that is what the science says

I wish landfills were net carbon sinks that we could rely on to store organics. Landfills are significant GHG emitters. They sequester some carbon but not enough.

The end of waste- Planning and the Circular Economy
Circular Economy
15 September 2022

The end of waste- Planning and the Circular Economy

In, NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041, the State's most recent waste strategy, the NSW Department of Planning, Infrastructure and Environment has stopped talking about the waste hierarchy and started talking about the circular economy

Getting the most out of the FOGO revolution
14 July 2022

Getting the most out of the FOGO revolution

Perth, Adelaide, all of Victoria and now all NSW households will have FOGO (Food Organics, Garden Organics) collections by 2030.

Growing of professional talent across Organics, Litter & Illegal Dumping and Strategy and Commercial
MRA News
6 July 2022

Growing of professional talent across Organics, Litter & Illegal Dumping and Strategy and Commercial

MRA Consulting Group is proud to announce the addition of three new consultants.

MRA expands its presence in Newcastle
MRA News
1 July 2022

MRA expands its presence in Newcastle

MRA Consulting Group is proud to announce Patrick Arnold, who has joined our Strategy and Commercial Team as Principal Environmental Consultant in Newcastle.

The 2021 national plastics plan in a nutshell
Circular Economy
1 July 2022

The 2021 national plastics plan in a nutshell

Australia’s National Plastics Plan 2021 was released a year ago. Sadly, it looks like most of its targets will be missed. Nevertheless, the Plan provides a strong foundation for tackling plastic waste in Australia.

Celebrating emissions reductions but much more to do
28 June 2022

Celebrating emissions reductions but much more to do

Australia generates 61.5 MT of “core” waste. Of this, 20.5 MT is sent to landfill.

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