Things everyone should know about waste and the Circular Economy
Circular Economy
22 March 2022

Things everyone should know about waste and the Circular Economy

It always surprises me when governments announce waste/recycling policies which bear little resemblance to what is actually needed. But I blame myself.

Freeing Trevor to drive the circular bus
Circular Economy
16 March 2022

Freeing Trevor to drive the circular bus

“We can achieve a Circular Economy by 2025” was the proposition in a debate run by the Young Professionals of WMRR. I chaired the “No” side. “No chance” we said (and won).

MRA congratulates Tasmanian Government on waste levy
14 March 2022

MRA congratulates Tasmanian Government on waste levy

Tasmania’s Parliament just passed the Waste and Resource Recovery Bill 2021, introducing a landfill levy and with it, bringing the state into line with other Australian jurisdictions.

Creating a real carbon pump
28 January 2022

Creating a real carbon pump

The COP26 climate change summit took place between 31 October and 13 November 2021 in Glasgow. The reason we needed this summit is that we are very efficient at pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere but singularly useless at getting it back out again.

Remanufacture NSW Round 2
4 January 2022

Remanufacture NSW Round 2

Remanufacture NSW Round 2, a $13.5m grant program, is open for applications. The program will support the NSW resource recovery industry to boost recycling capacity for materials impacted by the waste export ban.

A non-wastie view of recycling
6 December 2021

A non-wastie view of recycling

Why does it seem to require expert knowledge of the waste management sector to understand the yellow kerbside recycling bin? Why is that even if you are a waste expert, you can never be sure what can go into a specific council’s recycling bin without first looking it up?

Virginia discusses compost at Soils For Life podcast
3 December 2021

Virginia discusses compost at Soils For Life podcast

MRA's Virginia Brunton took part in the second Soils for Life podcast episode on compost, sharing farmer experiences and policy opportunities.

NSW grants now open:  Recycling Modernisation Fund and Remanufacture NSW
15 November 2021

NSW grants now open: Recycling Modernisation Fund and Remanufacture NSW

The NSW Government has created a $10 million fund to reduce landfilling of solar panels and battery systems. Phase 1 of the Circular Solar grants program (trial phase) awarded $1.1 million in funding for eligible trial projects.

What does the IPCC report mean?
11 November 2021

What does the IPCC report mean?

The COP26 climate change summit took place between 31 October and 13 November 2021 in Glasgow. The reason we needed this summit is that we are very efficient at pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere but singularly useless at getting it back out again.

MRA’s cheat sheet on the Circular Economy
Circular Economy
19 October 2021

MRA’s cheat sheet on the Circular Economy

Our current economic model is pretty much a linear one: take (extract) - make (stuff) - waste (landfill). It treats resources as infinite and assumes the environment can absorb the waste. It is therefore unsustainable in the long run.

A day in the life of a Circular Economy consultant
Circular Economy
14 October 2021

A day in the life of a Circular Economy consultant

People often ask “Is MRA doing any Circular Economy work?”. The answer is “Plenty”.

NSW grants now open: Solar panel recycling
11 October 2021

NSW grants now open: Solar panel recycling

The NSW Government has created a $10 million fund to reduce landfilling of solar panels and battery systems. Phase 1 of the Circular Solar grants program (trial phase) awarded $1.1 million in funding for eligible trial projects.

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