Circular Economy
21 September 2021
Which comes first, composting capacity or the commitment by Council to supply FOGO material?
15 September 2021
The NSW EPA announced Round 9 of the Organics Infrastructure: Stream 1 - Processing Infrastructure Grant.
In the Media
26 August 2021
The waste industry has what the carbon sector doesn't – a target widely viewed as ambitious, as well as a substantial price to spur waste abatement – and that has prompted a huge increase in investor interest, says MRA Consulting Group.
20 July 2021
As of 1 July 2021 resource recovery facilities in Victoria are captured under new Environment Protection Regulations. Facilities that trigger the requirements must apply by October 2021 for a licence or permit or by 2 January 2022 if the activity needs a registration. If you do not make an application, you can no longer operate.
Circular Economy
30 June 2021
A response to Sam Bateman’s “Is landfill part of the circular economy?”
Circular Economy
22 June 2021
From 1 July 2021, all plastic exports will require a licence from the Commonwealth and mixed (unsorted) plastic exports are banned.
19 February 2021
There is only one technology that we know of that can reliably suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and sequester it. Photosynthesis. It is what every plant on the planet does every day.
10 February 2021
MRA welcomes the announcement by the Tasmanian Government on the introduction of a waste levy in Tasmania.
Circular Economy
24 December 2020
Karinne Taylor critically reviews the House Committee on Industry, Innovation, Science and Resources report “From Rubbish to Resources: Building a Circular Economy”.
6 October 2020
MRA’s Mike Ritchie was interviewed by Kevin Warner on waste in Australia, the current landscape for energy from waste and what the road ahead looks like.
Circular Economy
10 June 2020
It is more than two years since China National Sword and the limitations on export to Asian recycling nations, kicked in.
Recycling has not collapsed but it has taken some pretty big hits. So where are we up to now?
4 June 2020
$24 million in funding has been released to support NSW local councils and the Alternative Waste Treatment (AWT) industry to transition away from MWOO following the 2018 EPA revocation of the order and exemption allowing MWOO application to land.