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ERF Organics Methodology approved – register to earn credits!

The Source Separated Organic Waste Method has been approved and is available for use. There is still time to register a project for the next auction under this method and claim credits for your abatement effort. The next ERF auction is to be held on the 27 and 28 April 2016. To be eligible to bid, you must register a project with the Clean Energy Regulator by 9 March 2016.

The Source Separated Organic Waste Method provides an incentive for business, local government and charity organisations to divert organic waste from landfill. Diverting the following waste types can potentially earn a credit:

  • Food;
  • Textiles;
  • Garden and park;
  • Wood and wood waste;
  • Sludge;
  • Nappies; and
  • Rubber and leather.

Projects can either be:

  • New (you must have 24 months of data showing waste was going to landfill);
  • Expansion to existing activities;
  • Aggregated projects involving multiple activities; or
  • The diversion of food waste by charities.

If you are thinking of doing any of these projects within the next few years, MRA strongly recommends that you register a project and bid at the next auction. More than half of the total funding pool for the ERF was contracted during the first two auctions. At this rate, it is likely that there may only be another 2-3 auctions left. There is still time!


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