WA Community & Industry Engagement funding program – applications close December 8th
By MRA Consulting Group
The Western Australian Waste Authority has recently announced its Community and Industry Engagement funding program, providing funds from the landfill levy to support waste diversion.
This program is essentially open to all comers, and will provide funding for projects and events. A total of $600,000 is allocated for projects delivered by organisations that divert waste from landfill and recover it as a resource (Stream A), and $90,000 for events delivered by organisations that promote diversion of waste from landfill and recovery of waste as a resource (Stream B), with up to 50% of the total cost covered.
To be eligible, the project or event needs to align with the priorities in the Waste Authority’s 2016-17 Business Plan. The areas of particular interest are:
- Increasing the use of recycled C&D waste;
- Improving the performance and adoption of three bin systems; and
- Improving local government waste planning.
We have long been saying that landfill levy funds should be targeted at areas where a small nudge can tip markets into diverting significant tonnages of waste out of landfill. This program does that.
We have also been saying (as recently as a week ago) that a broadly implemented FOGO service alongside strong market development for organics and recycled C&D waste is the base infrastructure upon which we can build high diversion rates. This program also delivers on that.
Eligible projects and events may include:
- research and development of better practice guidelines;
- development and implementation of programs that contribute to better waste management practices;
- development and implementation of targeted training and knowledge sharing programs;
- research that contributes to diversion of waste from landfill; and
- events that promote and recognise better waste management practices.
Applications close 8 December 2016.
The past Waste Authority focus on supporting local government continues with this program, however this is also an opportunity for industry to participate. The nature of this particular funding program means that it should attract industry participants who are looking to build markets for recycled C&D waste. This is where MRA can help.
We have a strong track record in securing grant funding for our clients. To date, MRA has submitted more than 130 grant applications, winning more than $30m in funding for our clients.
We are ready to support industry and local government in securing funding under this program, drawing on our expertise and experience to formulate strong proposals. Proposals that will truly leverage the funding to yield significant benefits for industry and local government alike.
If your organisation is interested to discuss funding opportunities, please contact us at info@mraconsulting.com.au or on (02) 8541 6169.
MRA can provide a one-stop shop to maximise your chances of success.