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What’s the solution to marine plastic pollution?

By MRA Consulting Group

MRA Consulting knew Leslie Mallinson was a champion in the fight against Marine Debris when she joined us last year.

no-dumpingHer experience working with the Education team at ReefHQ Aquarium in Townsville led her to see firsthand the impacts marine debris can have on our wildlife, as sea turtles that ingested plastic of some degree were frequent patients at the Aquarium’s Turtle Hospital.

Having worked as a Project Officer with Tangaroa Blue Foundation, and as a researcher at James Cook University have allowed Leslie to actively engage with the community, councils and other stakeholders on a range of marine pollution matters.

As a result of this experience Leslie is striving to be part of solutions that help prevent marine debris at the source. To this end, Leslie has recently been heavily involved in planning a joint networking event between WMAA, EIANZ and AWA aimed at targeting discussions around solutions for plastic pollution.

Speakers for the evening include:

  • Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, Australian Senator and Instigator of the senate inquiry into the threat ofmarine plastic pollution;
  • Heidi Taylor, Co-Founder and Managing Director of ‘Tangaroa Blue Foundation’ and the Australian Marine Debris Initiative; and
  • Tim Silverwood, Co-Founder and CEO of ‘Take 3’, a plastic pollution campaigner and eco-entrepreneur

Leslie hopes this event will attract a wide variety of participants – young professionals as well as Industry members, councils and community groups who are keen to learn about what they can do to be a part of the solution.

This networking event could not come at a better time, as the NSW EPA have just recently announced their WLRM Funding extension for 2017 – 2021, with $30 million being allocated to Litter Prevention and Enforcement Fund. Leslie says “I’m really looking forward to the conversations, ideas and ultimately actions that will come as a result of this networking event. Having such influential, expert speakers on the issue will leave the audience feeling empowered and inspired – which is the best fuel you can have to spark change.

The event is sponsored by AWA, WMAA and EIANZ. $25 entry for members and $35 entry for non-members. If you are interested in attending, please register for the event by 24th November 2016 via one of the following links:


Junction Cafe
Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences (Powerhouse Museum)
500 Harris Street
Ultimo NSW


6.00pm – 8.00pm
Thursday 1 December 2016

For more information please download the event brochure here, or contact Leslie Mallinson on 0420 317 666 or via email


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