
MRA’s cheat sheet on the Circular Economy
Circular Economy
19 October 2021

MRA’s cheat sheet on the Circular Economy

Our current economic model is pretty much a linear one: take (extract) - make (stuff) - waste (landfill). It treats resources as infinite and assumes the environment can absorb the waste. It is therefore unsustainable in the long run.

A day in the life of a Circular Economy consultant
Circular Economy
14 October 2021

A day in the life of a Circular Economy consultant

People often ask “Is MRA doing any Circular Economy work?”. The answer is “Plenty”.

Composting kit – Chicken or Egg
Circular Economy
21 September 2021

Composting kit – Chicken or Egg

Which comes first, composting capacity or the commitment by Council to supply FOGO material?

Bring on the black bin- bin colour matters
Circular Economy
10 September 2021

Bring on the black bin- bin colour matters

Australia generates 316,000 tonnes of HDPE plastic per year. Most is landfilled. If every MGB in Australia was required to be black, that alone would absorb 258,000 t of HDPE by adding 10.4kg of recycled content to every MGB at every home.

FOGO in MUDs – how to make it work
Circular Economy
9 July 2021

FOGO in MUDs – how to make it work

As our cities become bigger we are living more in units and flats (MUDs or multi-unit dwellings) rather than houses (SUDs or single unit dwellings).

What is the best FOGO bin configuration?
Circular Economy
2 July 2021

What is the best FOGO bin configuration?

Kerbside FOGO collection and processing to compost is gaining steam around Australia. So, what is the optimal bin configuration?

Organic waste should not get preference in landfills
Circular Economy
30 June 2021

Organic waste should not get preference in landfills

A response to Sam Bateman’s “Is landfill part of the circular economy?”

Bin colour matters
Circular Economy
9 April 2021

Bin colour matters

Federal Environment Minister Susan Ley supports standardised waste collection systems, including a common bin lid colour across Australia. We propose to also standardise the colour of the bin's body to maximise recycled plastic use.

Is FOGO inevitable?
Circular Economy
9 April 2021

Is FOGO inevitable?

More and more councils now collect FOGO at the kerbside. Will three bins become the new standard?

Open letter to Australia’s Mayors – Why waste matters to your carbon footprint
Circular Economy
1 March 2021

Open letter to Australia’s Mayors – Why waste matters to your carbon footprint

The single biggest greenhouse gas emissions decision you will make as Mayor, is “Are we still sending organic waste to landfill?”

Container deposit schemes are creating new opportunities for kerbside recycling
8 November 2020

Container deposit schemes are creating new opportunities for kerbside recycling

In the days before CDS, containers made up half of the volume of most Australian kerbside bins. Post-CDS, yellow top bins are not as full anymore. That creates opportunities for new products to go into the yellow bin system. Mike Ritchie discusses our options for increasing recycling.

MRA and Modern Shoes- A Step Closer to Zero Landfill
Circular Economy
13 November 2019

MRA and Modern Shoes- A Step Closer to Zero Landfill

Through the Bin Trim program, MRA and Modern Shoes were able to divert close to 30 tonnes of waste from landfill, saving the business $21,600 per year.

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