
Australia falling behind on microbeads
13 January 2016

Australia falling behind on microbeads

Last November, MRA argued the need for a national ban on microbeads. We said they were pernicious and a pollutant that should never have been permitted in the first place. It is nice to know US President Obama reads The Tipping Point. He has just announced a federal ban on microbeads across all American States, […]

What does Paris mean for carbon and waste in Australia?
12 January 2016

What does Paris mean for carbon and waste in Australia?

As you are no doubt aware, Australia, along with the global community, has finally committed to limit anthropogenic global warming to less than a 2 degree increase (with a 1.5 degree increase as an aspirational target). Australia has a chequered history in respect of climate change policy and it is a brave person who would […]

Microbeads: we need a national ban
17 November 2015

Microbeads: we need a national ban

Plastic, in all its forms, can be a pain in the neck for waste managers. It is light, voluminous and not worth very much. But, small bits of plastic like microbeads found in common cosmetics such as face washes, exfoliants and toothpastes, have been really wreaking havoc on waterways and soil systems across the world. […]

MRA clients successful at second ERF auction
13 November 2015

MRA clients successful at second ERF auction

The Clean Energy Regulator has today announced the results of the second Emissions Reduction Fund auction held on 4 and 5 November 2015. These contracts secure the delivery of 45.5 million tonnes of abatement at an average price per tonne of abatement of $12.25. The second Emissions Reduction Fund auction saw 129 carbon abatement contracts […]

ERF auction round 2 – who will win?
20 October 2015

ERF auction round 2 – who will win?

The second Emissions Reduction Fund auction is just around the corner. Who will be the big winners this time around? A total of $1.89 billion in funds remains in the ERF to be spent over the crediting period to 2020. Competition in the second ERF auction is potentially greater with 330 projects registered under the […]

The first ERF auction delivered $660m to 107 projects – are you ready for the next one?
13 August 2015

The first ERF auction delivered $660m to 107 projects – are you ready for the next one?

The second Emissions Reduction Fund auction has been announced for the 4th and 5th of November 2015. This means that industry and local government have another opportunity to register their (new) projects under the ERF and to obtain funding for their abatement efforts. In the first auction, 43 participants secured 107 contracts worth $660m at […]

NSW Grants Summary – applications now open
16 June 2015

NSW Grants Summary – applications now open

The NSW EPA has released four new grant programs under the $465.7 million NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More program. The new grants provide a one off opportunity to a range of eligible applicants within NSW, including local governments, businesses, industry and the community. The new grant rounds are summarised below. Grant Streams Maximum funding […]

What is air worth? How to price a landfill
4 June 2015

What is air worth? How to price a landfill

By Mike Ritchie Landfill gate fees typically cover costs of operation, overheads, mobile plant and equipment, labour, depreciation costs of roads and buildings and other fixed assets and profit. But the costs (and therefore the gate fee), also need to include 30-50 year post closure management, long term monitoring and reporting, and importantly replacement of […]

No time to waste – Noosa’s Jury hears from industry heavyweight
1 June 2015

No time to waste – Noosa’s Jury hears from industry heavyweight

From a media release by Noosa Council, originally published here. A waste industry heavyweight, Mike Ritchie, was one of two speakers Noosa’s community Jury heard from at its fourth meeting, held this week. Mr Ritchie, who has more than 25 years of experience in waste management, accepted the Jury’s invitation to present via video link from […]

ERF: 8 week registration deadline for existing abatement projects
3 May 2015

ERF: 8 week registration deadline for existing abatement projects

One of the key features of the Emissions Reduction Fund is that projects need to be “new” at the time of registration. From July 1st, only “paper projects” (projects in concept phase up to and including a completed design but without a formal decision to go ahead) will be allowed to participate. That is, if […]

Lessons from the first ERF carbon auction
27 April 2015

Lessons from the first ERF carbon auction

Published by The winners during the first Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) auction have been announced. Congratulations to those who succeeded in securing a Carbon Abatement Contract with the Federal Government and commiserations to those who missed out. But don’t despair: there are many more auctions to come. Under the ERF, the Federal Government is […]

So, you’re ready for FOGO
17 April 2015

So, you’re ready for FOGO

Article written by Jacqueline Ong and originally published by Inside Waste Is there a compelling case for councils to go down the FOGO path? For NSW at least, the government is supportive of increasing organic diversion rates and has put its money where its mouth is with the Waste Less Recycle More initiative. MRA Consulting […]

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