7 June 2019
The NSW EPA has opened round 2 of its Product Improvement Program grants under the $48M Waste and Recycling Infrastructure Fund of the NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM).
22 May 2019
The NSW EPA has released its seventh round of Organics Collection grants under the NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM). Applications close on Thursday 27th June 2019.
17 April 2019
The NSW EPA has had the power to seek the confiscation of profits gained from breaking environmental laws since the introduction of the POEO Act. However, it has now established a method for calculating Monetary Benefit Orders and is already using these to pursue cases in court.
14 March 2019
MRA's Mike Ritchie has welcomed the recently released NSW ALP War on Waste policy to invest waste levy funds back into the circular economy.
The Recycling and War on Waste policy released by Michael Daley
and Penny Sharpe is an important step towards creating the circular economy and
achieving a more sustainable balance between the economy and the environment”
31 January 2019
The NSW EPA has opened the $13 million landfill consolidation grants program under the NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM).
EPA logo 2017The NSW EPA has opened the $13 million landfill consolidation grants program under the NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM).
The new grants support regional and rural councils in addressing identified environmental issues posed by landfill activities.
11 October 2018
The NSW EPA has opened round 3 of its $3M Organics Market Development grants under the NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM).
The new grants support activities that will improve the demand for recycled organics.
State Strategy
15 August 2018
Waste and recycling reform is on the move. The Federal Government has announced it will revive the National Waste Strategy by the end of 2018. As part of the discussion on strategic direction I thought it would be useful to go back and revisit a previous strategic review and see what we have achieved (or not) in NSW. To put it another way, while there is a lot of movement at present, is the movement achieving the main priorities?
18 July 2018
The NSW EPA has released the sixth round of the Organics Infrastructure (Large and Small) Program grant under the $337 million Waste Less Recycle More Initiative, 2014-17 (WLRM) extension.
MRA News
9 July 2018
MRA is happy to announce that for a third round in a row, it has been awarded a Bin Trim grant by the NSW EPA. In this, third round of Bin Trim, MRA secured the single largest grant between all 16 successful grantees. Our goal is to build upon our partnerships and networks to assist businesses across multiple industry sectors within the Sydney region to increase their recycling by 20%.
29 June 2018
The NSW EPA has opened round 1 of its $4.5M Product Improvement Program grants under the $48M Waste and Recycling Infrastructure Fund of the NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM).
MRA News
26 June 2018
MRA has been successful in assisting clients win over 50% of the grant funding available under the NSW EPA Waste Less Recycle More grants program for Resource Recovery Facility Expansion and Enhancement. Of the eight successful grant funding applications, MRA prepared four of the submissions and secured more than $2m in funding from the $3.7m awarded.
25 June 2018
MRA has been successful in securing $3.5m for two projects under the Waste Less Recycle More Major Resource Recovery Infrastructure Program, securing funding for Albury City Council and Tyrecycle.