State Strategy
5 June 2018
The NSW EPA has just announced the solid and liquid waste levy rates for 2018/19. In accordance with Clause 11 of the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014, all levies have been only adjusted for inflation (Consumer Price Index).
22 May 2018
The NSW EPA has opened round 6 of its Organics Collection grants under the $105.5M Organics Infrastructure Fund of the NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM).
22 February 2018
The goal of Halve Waste is to reduce the waste to landfill by 50% by 2020. A major step in achieving this is the target to reduce waste landfilled at AWMC to 75,000 tonnes per year by 2018 financial year end. We’re at the half-way point and this looks like being achieved.
15 February 2018
The NSW EPA has opened round 2 of its $3M Organics Market Development grants under the NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM).
The new grants support activities that will improve the demand for recycled organics.
31 January 2018
The NSW EPA has opened round 3 of its $2.5M Circulate Industrial Ecology (CIE) under the NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM).
The new grants provide an opportunity for the establishment of viable industrial ecology relationships to divert valuable resources from landfill. The program supports projects that will recover materials (otherwise sent to landfill) to be used as feedstock for other commercial, industrial or construction processes.
31 January 2018
The NSW EPA has opened the first round of its $2.5M Civil Construction Market Program (CCMP) under the NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM).
The new grants provide an opportunity for eligible entities to reduce the amount of C&D material being sent to landfill by reusing and recycling resources in other NSW civil construction projects.
14 December 2017
The Albury Waste Management Centre (AWMC) includes the fourth largest landfill in NSW, and now the centrepiece of Halve Waste, the most successful waste reduction program in Australia. The Halve Waste Initiative has recently been awarded the best organics recovery program in NSW and the best local government initiative in sustainability.
5 December 2017
The NSW EPA has opened the fifth round of its $500,000 Weighbridge Fund under NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM). The new grants provide a one-off opportunity for eligible facilities to accelerate the installation of a weighbridge in compliance with the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014 that requires any facility recovering, recycling, processing or storing waste and is liable for the waste levy in NSW to install a weighbridge and accurately record waste movements.
15 November 2017
Albury City Council was recognised for its considerable achievements in implementing a FOGO service for residents in Albury and neighbouring councils at the NSW Australian Organics Recycling Association (AORA) Annual awards ceremony on Friday 10 November.
8 November 2017
The NSW EPA has released its fourth round of Council Litter Prevention grants under the $337 million NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM). The new grants are open to councils and offer funding to deliver local litter prevention projects, to help meet NSW’s litter reduction goal.
2 November 2017
Australia’s recycling sector is primed for continued growth. It must in order to keep up with waste generation, which is growing at a compound annual rate of 6.2%, that is 6x population growth and 2.5x economic growth. The market is there, and it is being serviced through a combination of regulatory intervention and technological innovation.
1 November 2017
The NSW EPA has released its third round of Resource Recovery Facility Expansion and Enhancement (RRFEE) grants under the $337 million NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM).