MRA Projects
16 July 2020
The ‘Compost and soil water’ project aimed to investigate the effect of recycled organics on soil moisture. Through farm trials over two growing seasons, it was shown that demand for irrigation was reduced when compost was applied to the soil.
Check out the webinar summarising the project's findings.
MRA Projects
14 July 2020
The ‘compost makes great bedding material’ project aimed to increase the awareness and use of recycled organics in the horse industry, by demonstrating and communicating that compost is a practical, suitable, and cost effective equine bedding and surfacing material.
The project webinar is now available online
Circular Economy
27 May 2020
Following up on Virginia Brunton's well received "Where to with food waste" article, Mike Ritchie discusses FOGO in MUDs.
Mike argues that collecting FOGO from MUDs is not just feasible, it is necessary. Getting food and garden waste out of all households will:
- reduce #waste to #landfill by 50% or more
- save up to 2.7% of Australia’s GHG emissions and
- produce millions of tonnes of soil enhancing compost.
Circular Economy
7 May 2020
The WA Waste Authority is providing $20m to local governments over the next 6 years to implement a three-bin FOGO kerbside service.
Circular Economy
24 April 2020
Organics to landfill make up more than half of all waste to landfill in Australia. They are also responsible for a fair amount of the waste sector's GHG emissions.
How can we create environmental benefits and stimulate the economic growth sorely needed post COVID-19?
Climate Change
20 April 2020
If global food waste was a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world, behind the U.S. and China
One thing we can do to combat climate change as individuals, households, local councils, state governments and federal governments is address food waste to landfill.
So, what are our options?
26 November 2019
The naturally deficient in carbon, Australian soils are being depleted further through agriculture. Adding organic matter helps replenish nutrients and improve soil structure.
When carbon is added through compost, it is good for the environment, the soil and for farmers who can now earn ACCUs and cash through the the Emissions Reduction Fund.
22 November 2019
One billion single use coffee cups are sent to landfill every year. Sounds like a lot but this represents less than 0.0004% of the waste generated in Australia per year.
So, what can we do to deal with coffee cups so that we can focus on significant streams like organics (particularly food), which represent around 50% of all waste to landfill in Australia?
16 September 2019
Following up on his earlier Circular Economy article, Mike Ritchie reviews the European Union Circular Economy Action Plan report of 54 actions and adjusts those actions to propose an equivalent action list for Australia.
18 August 2019
A circular economy is necessary to minimise landfill, increase resources recovery and protect our natural environment. A strong local reprocessing sector will also generate new jobs, support the economy and safeguard Australia from international developments such as China's National Sword. Mike Ritchie outlines the key drivers for a strong Circular Economy in Australia.
12 July 2019
The NSW EPA has released the next round of the Organics Infrastructure (Large and Small) Program grant under the $337 million WLRM extension.
The grants are awarded under five funding streams that cater to specific applicant categories and have different project requirements.
29 May 2019
Vegetable growers across Australia must comply with strict requirements to ensure the food they produce is safe for consumers. Farmers purchasing compost should be asking their supplier for a proof of compliance.