18 August 2019
A circular economy is necessary to minimise landfill, increase resources recovery and protect our natural environment. A strong local reprocessing sector will also generate new jobs, support the economy and safeguard Australia from international developments such as China's National Sword. Mike Ritchie outlines the key drivers for a strong Circular Economy in Australia.
16 August 2019
MRA welcomes the involvement of the Prime Minister and Premiers at the 9 August 2019 COAG to resolve the many difficulties facing the recycling and waste management sector.
14 August 2019
If you are dealing with asbestos waste in NSW, take notice.
The NSW Court of Criminal Appeal has handed down a decision which confirms that any waste containing asbestos is asbestos waste endorsing all of the EPA interpretations of the POEO Act.
In the Media
31 July 2019
MRA’s Mike Ritchie was interviewed by IPWEA ahead of the International Public Works Conference in August on a range of waste issues including innovations and the action needed to unite all levels of government on targets to give the waste stream its appropriate economic potential.
30 July 2019
The NSW EPA has opened the fourth round of its Major Resource Recovery Infrastructure (MRRI) grants under the $337 million NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM).
The grants offer funding to deliver new infrastructure projects in NSW, with the aim of increasing diversion from landfill.
12 July 2019
The NSW EPA has released the next round of the Organics Infrastructure (Large and Small) Program grant under the $337 million WLRM extension.
The grants are awarded under five funding streams that cater to specific applicant categories and have different project requirements.
11 July 2019
In early July 2019, MRA took over a stall at the Northern Beaches Swap for Good Expo to promote the NSW EPA Bin Trim Program and discuss waste reduction opportunities with local businesses.
17 June 2019
If you are dealing with recyclables and have $100 million annual revenue, the Act applies to you as of January 2019
7 June 2019
The NSW EPA has opened round 2 of its Product Improvement Program grants under the $48M Waste and Recycling Infrastructure Fund of the NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM).
29 May 2019
Vegetable growers across Australia must comply with strict requirements to ensure the food they produce is safe for consumers. Farmers purchasing compost should be asking their supplier for a proof of compliance.
24 May 2019
The Coffs Waste 2019 conference has been and gone. MRA attended in force with input in five sessions. Click through for presentation videos and Mike's comment on the conference.
22 May 2019
The NSW EPA has released its seventh round of Organics Collection grants under the NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM). Applications close on Thursday 27th June 2019.