Circular Economy
14 October 2021
People often ask “Is MRA doing any Circular Economy work?”.
The answer is “Plenty”.
11 October 2021
The NSW Government has created a $10 million fund to reduce landfilling of solar panels and battery systems. Phase 1 of the Circular Solar grants program (trial phase) awarded $1.1 million in funding for eligible trial projects.
28 September 2021
The NSW EPA announced Round 9 of the Organics Collection Household stream grant program which aims to divert food and garden waste from landfill and redirect it to organics processing facilities.
Circular Economy
21 September 2021
Which comes first, composting capacity or the commitment by Council to supply FOGO material?
15 September 2021
The NSW EPA announced Round 9 of the Organics Infrastructure: Stream 1 - Processing Infrastructure Grant.
18 August 2021
The NSW Government Remanufacture NSW grants have been awarded with 22 projects receiving a total of $24m. Grant recipients have committed another $59m investment for a combined total investment of $83m across projects.
Circular Economy
9 July 2021
As our cities become bigger we are living more in units and flats (MUDs or multi-unit dwellings) rather than houses (SUDs or single unit dwellings).
Circular Economy
2 July 2021
Kerbside FOGO collection and processing to compost is gaining steam around Australia. So, what is the optimal bin configuration?
Circular Economy
30 June 2021
A response to Sam Bateman’s “Is landfill part of the circular economy?”
Circular Economy
22 June 2021
From 1 July 2021, all plastic exports will require a licence from the Commonwealth and mixed (unsorted) plastic exports are banned.
Circular Economy
16 June 2021
The NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041: (Stage 1 – 2021-2027) has endorsed diversion of organic waste from landfill to deliver substantive reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from NSW landfills.
23 April 2021
A number of resource recovery sector grants are currently open in South Australia.