22 April 2021
A number of resource recovery sector grants are currently open in NSW, Victoria and nationally.
Circular Economy
1 March 2021
The single biggest greenhouse gas emissions decision you will make as Mayor, is “Are we still sending organic waste to landfill?”
28 January 2021
The Australian and NSW governments have developed Remanufacture NSW to support organisations to respond to the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) ban on the export of glass, plastic, tyres and paper/cardboard wastes and to enable a transition to a circular economy for waste export ban materials.
15 January 2021
A number of resource recovery sector grants are currently open in NSW and Victoria.
14 January 2021
A number of Australia wide resource recovery sector grants are currently open.
Circular Economy
24 December 2020
Karinne Taylor critically reviews the House Committee on Industry, Innovation, Science and Resources report “From Rubbish to Resources: Building a Circular Economy”.
Circular Economy
15 December 2020
Landfilled organics result to significant GHG emissions and a waste of valuable nutrients.
Banning the landfilling of household and commercial food and garden waste would stimulate jobs growth, divert millions of tonnes from landfill, generate compost, sequester carbon in soils and reduce Australia's GHG footprint.
2 December 2020
Resource recovery sector grants have recently opened in NSW and Victoria while a recycling and clean energy Federal manufacturing grant is due to open soon.
29 October 2020
The NSW DPIE conducted an excellent review of FOGO performance across 34 Councils in NSW.
Average performance is a poor indicator of the trends in FOGO so Mike Ritchie, re-analysed the data to look at individual Council performance and summarised his findings in an informative article.
11 February 2020
MRA believes there are huge jobs, resource and carbon opportunities in recycling and waste management.
In its submission to the Inquiry into Australia’s Waste Management and Recycling Industries, MRA has identified some of the key requirements for capturing these opportunities.
6 February 2020
Projections show Australia is very unlikely to meet its current 2030 carbon reduction targets, with recent reports of increasing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from all sectors other than the electricity and agriculture industries.
Australia needs to do more and the waste and recycling sector can lead the charge in emissions reduction.
In the Media
20 November 2019
MRA's Mike Ritchie was invited to join the Ideas 2170 panel run by Liverpool City Council and Western Sydney University at WSU’s CBD campus on 19 November 2019.
Mike and the panel discussed key waste streams and options for improving waste management outcomes for local councils.