11 March 2020
A few grants and funding opportunities have recently opened around the country.
21 February 2020
Could smaller scale be a viable and preferred alternative for metropolitan Australia instead of larger scale incinerators and challenge the misconception of WtE facilities being “big hungry beasts”?
11 February 2020
MRA believes there are huge jobs, resource and carbon opportunities in recycling and waste management.
In its submission to the Inquiry into Australia’s Waste Management and Recycling Industries, MRA has identified some of the key requirements for capturing these opportunities.
6 February 2020
Projections show Australia is very unlikely to meet its current 2030 carbon reduction targets, with recent reports of increasing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from all sectors other than the electricity and agriculture industries.
Australia needs to do more and the waste and recycling sector can lead the charge in emissions reduction.
Bin Trim
20 January 2020
The NSW Government has released its fourth round of the Bin Trim program under the NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative (WLRM).
The Bin Trim program provides funding to organisations to deliver waste assessments, support and advice to NSW businesses to help the businesses reduce their waste and increase recycling.
MRA News
16 January 2020
MRA is delighted and proud to announce the appointment of Katherine Dodd as MRA’s new General Manager.
Katherine is joining MRA from AECOM, where she previously held the position of Principal Consultant.
MRA News
23 December 2019
MRA Consulting Group would like to wish you and your family a safe, happy and sustainable festive season.
We thank you for your continued support in 2018 and look forward to working with you in 2019!
20 December 2019
The recently awarded WLRM grants wrap up a spectacular year for MRA's grants team. Over the four funding streams MRA helped our clients win over $11 million in grants for FOGO and infrastructure projects.
17 December 2019
MRA’s planning team is glowing this Christmas with two development approvals granted in the last two weeks. Both approvals are for resource recovery facilities helping keep valuable materials out of landfill.
26 November 2019
The naturally deficient in carbon, Australian soils are being depleted further through agriculture. Adding organic matter helps replenish nutrients and improve soil structure.
When carbon is added through compost, it is good for the environment, the soil and for farmers who can now earn ACCUs and cash through the the Emissions Reduction Fund.
22 November 2019
One billion single use coffee cups are sent to landfill every year. Sounds like a lot but this represents less than 0.0004% of the waste generated in Australia per year.
So, what can we do to deal with coffee cups so that we can focus on significant streams like organics (particularly food), which represent around 50% of all waste to landfill in Australia?
In the Media
20 November 2019
MRA's Mike Ritchie was invited to join the Ideas 2170 panel run by Liverpool City Council and Western Sydney University at WSU’s CBD campus on 19 November 2019.
Mike and the panel discussed key waste streams and options for improving waste management outcomes for local councils.